Quake III E+ Config Editor

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Joined: Aug 2008
Quake III E+ Config Editor
Memphis. wrote:

just saying, not trying to flame anybody in here u fuckin twats c:

If u made this same tool for quakelive, and u posted on esr, that would be the hell of a hit, since there are obviously more newcomers to ql than e+

makes sense
although, there's already a great one for quakelive

Simpson's picture
Joined: Nov 2006
Quake III E+ Config Editor

ok, so it seems that everyone who has .net framework 2.0 or newer can start the program.

with other words: if the program doesnt start for you, you need to download .net framework 2.0 or newer from microsoft website


PS: to all who ask themselves why the need to download it:
all programs that a written in a .net based programm language like c# or VB need to have this to work. like alis qname needs java installed, my tool needs .net framework.


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spider's picture
Joined: Apr 2005
Quake III E+ Config Editor

Great job man. check out your pm box.

.: | h3ktor dice:
phail ;_;

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xpaliminium's picture
Joined: Nov 2005
Quake III E+ Config Editor

Seems good even if I haven't tested yet.

I have planned to make XP Binds that uses same Qname generator and interface to make a config for binds (you hear sound, choose one, and put the associated custom font with it). Tongue

lets say :
Arrow Quake III E+ Config Editor, manages general config + general binds (movements etc)
Arrow XP Qname makes xp_country and xp_name cvars.
Arrow XP Binds makes additional sound binds (ex : bind x "&tap_hello1.wav ^2#E8#E5#EC#EC#EF").

so clients could have those kind of files :

and ingame :
[code:1]/exec name1
/exec general2
/exec binds3


/exec all1
but all1 has to call other confs contains the other /exec in it :)[/code:1]

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hook's picture
Joined: Mar 2008
Quake III E+ Config Editor
¯¯__█ALI█¯¯__ wrote:

Seems good even if I haven't tested yet.

I have planned to make XP Binds that uses same Qname generator and interface to make a config for binds (you hear sound, choose one, and put the associated custom font with it). Tongue

lets say :
Arrow Quake III E+ Config Editor, manages general config + general binds (movements etc)
Arrow XP Qname makes xp_country and xp_name cvars.
Arrow XP Binds makes additional sound binds (ex : bind x "&tap_hello1.wav ^2#E8#E5#EC#EC#EF").

so clients could have those kind of files :

and ingame :
[code:1]/exec name1
/exec general2
/exec binds3


/exec all1
but all1 has to call other confs contains the other /exec in it :)[/code:1]

NIIIIIICCCCEEEEE work guyz go for it!!!!

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Simpson's picture
Joined: Nov 2006
Quake III E+ Config Editor

nice idea ali, i would really like it, binds are the only thing that are missing atm Big grin

bevore i forget it:

if you have any suggestions, any bugs or ideas for the config editor feel free to post, developing is never finished Happy
i already talked with equi about some new features Happy
i would also like to know if it works for everyone now, or if there are still problems


Phenom II X2 550 BE @ X4 @ 4x3.1Ghz 1.35v (Unlocked to Quad)
4GB DDR2 800 CL4
Sapphire HD6850 @930/1150Mhz

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rabusmar's picture
Joined: Jan 2008
Quake III E+ Config Editor

It would be nice that you assist more for the bitmask cvars, since they are a little bit harder to understand even when explained.

Also, several options have no help, specially on the movement tab. And lastly, there are some missing cvars, line xp_noBobbing, xp_noParticles, xp_delagWeapons, xp_drawNames and others. However, they are not that important, so if you are already aware about them and just chose not to implement them, its ok.

Another, add comparison screenshots for r_vertexLight Tongue.

Edit: also cg_smoothClients was removed.

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telox's picture
Joined: Jul 2005
Quake III E+ Config Editor
lagstard wrote:

It would be nice that you assist more for the bitmask cvars, since they are a little bit harder to understand even when explained.

Also, several options have no help, specially on the movement tab. And lastly, there are some missing cvars, line xp_noBobbing, xp_noParticles, xp_delagWeapons, xp_drawNames and others. However, they are not that important, so if you are already aware about them and just chose not to implement them, its ok.

Another, add comparison screenshots for r_vertexLight Tongue.

Edit: also cg_smoothClients was removed.

Thanks for a good addition, Beast!
From the changeslog: xp_noParticles to improve perfomance of rocket and grenade explosions
What kind of performance is told about here?
What does xp_delagWeapons actually do? What kind of lag is ment there? I tested the command, but didn't notice any effect.
xp_drawnames was not implemented, because I didn't find it very important and useful, it only works on your teammates and with it on, it draws away the attention from the enemy, so it's a disadvantage for you to have it on during a fight.

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tyfon's picture
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Quake III E+ Config Editor

Some additions:

xp_aspectratio (default 1) changes your sensitivity

xp_oldhitsound 2 is the 1.03 hitsound

xp_corpse 1 is the closest to 1.03 (I use it with com_blood 1), 4 will filter them away and show no blood.

cg_guny is now changeable, try values from 4+ to get closer to the 1.03 rail trail (it now hits from the side).

To change your rail color you have to use xp_colors

To change enemy rail color, a fifth digit is added at xp_enemycolors 2222X

These are the major annoyances I had and found solutions to, still some things bug me but hope this helps.

Developer (retired)
rabusmar's picture
Joined: Jan 2008
Quake III E+ Config Editor

xp_noParticles removes the tiny little particles thrown by grenade and rocket explosions. The particles are implemented using an inefficient method (probably thats the reason why it was disabled on baseq3) that makes it quite easy to reach the 1024 localents limits (it just makes some visual problems, like rail trails dissapearing too fast, etc.).

xp_delagWeapons predicts the visual effects of the guns, so you wont see the rail trail (for example) delayed and instead you would see it on real time (ofc the hit will still be delayed) and helps to have a much responsive feel.

Btw, not only cg_gunY is available, also cg_gunX and cg_gunZ.

Also, xp_aspectRatio description by mirc is not fully accurate xD The "sens change" is a side effect. What it does is that it makes text and images drawn on the hud look well instead of stretched when the screen resolution doesnt have a 4:3 relation.

Also, xp_oldHitsound 0 enables hit tones, and from 1 to 5 you have different sounds, and -1 completely disables the sound (dunno what would that be useful for xD).

Also xp_specModel, xp_gunFov, cg_projectileNudge, cl_timenudge, xp_recordMessage and xp_drawMouse are missing.

One last thing, it could be good if you include a helper for the colors (it would be used on xp_colors, xp_enemyColors and xp_crosshairColor). Remember that not only 0-9 colors are supported, also a-z colors, and ? for current team color (i can give you the exact color values if you need them).

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