Quake III E+ Config Editor

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Joined: Feb 2008
Quake III E+ Config Editor

X.FACTOR! wrote:

how about as the optimize option a HIGH QUALITY, the highest of quality config Happy

I thought that I might call HIGH QUALITY config an eyecandy. Is it wrong english?

("model", "anarki")
("xp_colors", "1???1")
("cg_forcemodel", "1")
("xp_enemymodel", "keel/xp")
("xp_enemycolors", "72227")

("com_maxfps", "125")
("r_mode", "6")
("com_blood", "0")
("xp_noshotguntrail", "1")
("r_picmip", "10")
("r_fastsky", "1")
("xp_nosnow", "1")
("cg_simpleitems", "1")
("cg_marks", "0")
("cg_gibs", "0")
("cg_noProjectileTrail", "1")
("r_fullscreen", "1")
("xp_noBobbing", "7")
("r_subdivisions", "20")
("cg_trueLightning", "9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999")
("cg_drawGun", "1")
("r_lodbias", "0")
("r_mapoverbrightbits", "1")
("r_vertexLight", "0")
("r_texturemode", "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST")
("r_lightmap", "0")
("xp_noBlink", "1")
("cg_oldRail", "3")
("xp_corpse", "7")
("xp_nomip", "2047")
("xp_drawping", "1")
("cg_railTrailTime", "800")
("cg_brasstime", "0")
("cg_fov", "108")
("cg_shadows", "0")
("r_intensity", "1")
("r_gamma", "1.2")

("cg_drawTeamOverlay", "1")
("cg_draw2D", "1")
("cg_crosshairHealth", "0")
("cg_drawCrosshair", "15")
("cg_Crosshairsize", "60")
("cg_scorePlums", "0")
("xp_oldscoreboard", "0")
("cg_draw3dIcons", "0")
("xp_drawWeaponSelect", "0")
("cg_drawfps", "1")
("cg_drawtimer", "1")
("cg_lagometer", "0")
("xp_crosshairColor", "7")
("cg_crosshairPulse", "0")
("xp_drawStats", "1")
("cg_drawStatus", "1")
("xp_drawScores", "1")
("xp_drawNotify", "11")
("xp_drawClientNum", "5")
("cg_centertime", "0.5")

1) no it isnt Tongue i guess i missed that..

2) some commands in here should be optional for change if possible... like
a: ("xp_crosshairColor", "7") for me i use 2
b: enemy & model colors.
c: force team models etc.

3)love the editor Happy

probably stupid question but after optimize u can edit that cfg using the editor right? Tongue (probably a yes)

ps: just to clarify ^^


.aNk/xXxp4l/:bR.Shady'XYN! wrote:

reading an x-factor and impulse exchange of posts on the forums is the equivalent of watching a beavis and butthead conversation

12's picture
Joined: Jun 2009
MD Moldova, Republic of
Quake III E+ Config Editor

"cg_trueLightning", "9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999"

Is kinda original, but considering that 'optimization buttons' will use the newbs, i think will be better to make the shaft thin

if u'd like to see ur weapon:
set cg_gunX "20"
set cg_gunY "3"
set cg_gunZ "-15"

if u'dnt like to see ur weapon:
set cg_gunX "-15"
set cg_gunY "3"
set cg_gunZ "-30"

What u lookin' at, bra ? I'm back !

telox's picture
Joined: Jul 2005
NL Netherlands
Quake III E+ Config Editor
accurun wrote:

"cg_trueLightning", "9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999"

Is kinda original, but considering that 'optimization buttons' will use the newbs, i think will be better to make the shaft thin

if u'd like to see ur weapon:
set cg_gunX "20"
set cg_gunY "3"
set cg_gunZ "-15"

if u'dnt like to see ur weapon:
set cg_gunX "-15"
set cg_gunY "3"
set cg_gunZ "-30"

Hm..I didn't know shaftbeam itself gets thinner if you take the weapon back on a negative z-axis. Is a good idea, thanks!

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Simpson's picture
Joined: Nov 2006
Quake III E+ Config Editor

the "optimize in a special way" feature will only be implemented if we have at least 3 good optimizing options that make sens, otherwise its a bit pointless imo


for sure u can edit the config after optimizing. Happy
values that are very personal, like mouse sens etc are not included in optimizing and will not be touched (u see the problem in here: what is personal, what not? sometimes a very hard decision)


Phenom II X2 550 BE @ X4 @ 4x3.1Ghz 1.35v (Unlocked to Quad)
4GB DDR2 800 CL4
Sapphire HD6850 @930/1150Mhz

12's picture
Joined: Jun 2009
MD Moldova, Republic of
Quake III E+ Config Editor

I wanna know what people mean by 'optimised cfg' ..is it a:

-pro-cfg (maximum visibility(of enemy,through foggs,water,etc) and minimum eye-disctraction(on beatifull satanic/e+ signs in maps,tracery,etc))
-automatic set up of fatal console cmds to the right value? (if not right value then major lags,kurwa bg, etc)

What u lookin' at, bra ? I'm back !

fala.q3's picture
Joined: Jul 2009
Quake III E+ Config Editor

there should be few optimization options

- max quality
- max performance
- max visibility
- code optimization, like the rest don't need explanation this one does: this feature shouldn't edit any commands but only reorder them to sections like: binds; hud; gfx; sound. And also should remove duplicated entries.

nice tool man, keep up the work Kiss

I am addicted to life.

Joined: Aug 2006
Quake III E+ Config Editor
animalchik wrote:

there should be few optimization options

- max quality
- max performance
- max visibility
- code optimization, like the rest don't need explanation this one does: this feature shouldn't edit any commands but only reorder them to sections like: binds; hud; gfx; sound. And also should remove duplicated entries.

nice tool man, keep up the work Kiss

total quote

ah, i use cg_drawcrosshair "20" (it'a a square crosshair).. dunno if it's a bug or a new feature ^^' but i like it and it's functional, if u want.. add it Smug

Simpson's picture
Joined: Nov 2006
Quake III E+ Config Editor

some pics Big grin

Phenom II X2 550 BE @ X4 @ 4x3.1Ghz 1.35v (Unlocked to Quad)
4GB DDR2 800 CL4
Sapphire HD6850 @930/1150Mhz

mow Q [EN]
Joined: Nov 2003
Quake III E+ Config Editor

Flag-Preview possible?

Here u have some configs for Quality/FPS relation, to realise the suggestion of fala (pre-sets for FPS-Related config, Medium-config and high + highest quality)


telox's picture
Joined: Jul 2005
NL Netherlands
Quake III E+ Config Editor
mow Q [EN] wrote:

Flag-Preview possible?

Here u have some configs for Quality/FPS relation, to realise the suggestion of fala (pre-sets for FPS-Related config, Medium-config and high + highest quality)


Thanks for the link!
Is a good site, however I've just opened their highest quality config for people who have super ninja computers Tongue and it has: r_picmip 1 (should be Innocent, com_maxfps 90 (should be 125 or 333 imo)
Maybe other configs provide better optimization for their goal, but this one is surely not.
I've found another site which seems to do the job just fine.

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