Quake Live
Some of you have heard of Quake Live, some haven't. You don't need invites or that crap anymore. Linky: http://www.quakelive.com
Post your nicks in Quake Live and also your nick you are known as in excessiveplus. Please post other people's info here too if they are from e+, i'll try and keep this thread updated. If you want your name deleted from here, let me know.
It's a bit messy, will tidy it up when I get some time to organise it.
Nick in E+ - Nick in QL
camel - camel
blitz - Bllitz
Yas/Ronin - whYeNQue
Kinetic - Kinetic1988
paranoid/mtk - mtk
sir'pinky - justmagic
AmonRA - AmonRA1
Impact - xImpact
Seebz - Seebz
Skull - Skullhead
Musoraninn - MusoraniNN
MCN Ant - 920NW
Tyrant - Tyrantq3
Zady - Zady87
Terror - _Terror_
zxeuk - zxeuk
faith - faith
3mti - 3mti
foksieloy - foksieloy
freakman - freakman
kicek - kicek
lakitu - lakitu
memphis - m3mphis
mako - makoman
wonko - w0nk0
flex - flex
1mpulse - 1mpulse
madbringer - madbringer
oskaliber - oskaliber
torzelan - Torzelan
froggy/varliukas - varliukas
zoot - ZoOt
Nood - N3ooD6li
epykoi - epykoi
dexia - dexia
skinnis - skinnis
reno - dareno
riddle - r1ddle
orbitaltecno - orbitaltecno
asphyx - asphyxun1ty
Gom - Gomnium
tr1ckz - negat1ve
mircwar - mircwar
tommy - tommyo
toxic - kassary
deky - deexter
narcyz - narca
invictus (mow) - Victus
PJax - PJax
(bmf)K1ller - BMF_KILLER
phc.joeyb - Connstellation
Epsilon - epsi
Doomcore - PhobosDNA
dibe - d1be
Divx - Divx_of_Borg
invisible - invisiblo
darkangel - darkangelspain
blackrose - blackrose_rus
roni - roniiii
terror - _quato
BEAZT - 83427
Aliminium - Aliminium
Freakman - Freakman
Yony! - YonitoKun90
xvibenedykt - xvibenedykt
Raz - razVIP
Ascari - AscariDS
j - iTsjAndre
SHADOW - Shadow22
0ms - G502
Pitbull - pyropitbull
Tricky - Trinited
Rage - Ziggypoptastic
Ultra - S_Da_Headtoucha
BlackFx - BlackFx
ultima - _ultima_
mzi - mzi
sp - spraw
monster - scoop_
Zarzyn - kris0
Tanaka - TanakaFR
DoomedPlayer - doom72
Flash - Clum5y
I looked at peoples friends list to see the names, and i quickly wrote down names i recognised and names from clans i recognised. please let me know corrections.
whoever may be interested in the 'new' quake live
watch the trailer in HD
can anyone see what they have changed?
i've noticed quake live banners everywhere :roll:
i think there are new maps and models...
I am plaing QL since 1 month, and I can tell u it's just OSP+CPMA with new HUD, and ofc we can play in webbrowser maps r little changed, and we can use wapons from team arena.
Q3 under browser with a little improved hit scan code but not good like in cpma. Maps are little modified map from q3 and team arena. (add logos of ql and change some jumps, items place). About this what wrote kicek above, fa sho it isnt osp or cpma its just q3 under browser.
nothing u would be unable to do with q3
the most important thing: its browser!!! woohoo (who needs that anyways? just imagine all people on quakecon playing quakelive on browser ._.)
i like it except playing in web browser... wtf
i like it except playing in web browser... wtf
u can play also in fullscreen so it isnt problem.
its browser!!! woohoo (who needs that anyways?)
i find it pretty cool...you can play q3 on whatever pc...like at work :twisted:
Q3 under browser with a little improved hit scan code but not good like in cpma. Maps are little modified map from q3 and team arena. (add logos of ql and change some jumps, items place). About this what wrote kicek above, fa sho it isnt osp or cpma its just q3 under browser.
You forgot to mention alot of bugged variable which were deleted in cpma , they are back again. Engine is transfered under c++. Latest c++ stl (vnice!). Jabber protocol for chating .
IMHO devs whaste alot of times to make game more easy and "steam like".
P.S. phisyc sux!
you can play it inside a browser... wtf...
how long is the download/load time?
First time u have to accept plugin to browser (for ff its 4MB) and l8er it will download about 300MB. So it only depend how fast is ur connection. Ofc it downloads once and l8er ql is loaded from ur hdd.
you can play it inside a browser... wtf...
how long is the download/load time?
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