Quake Live
Rage - Ziggypoptastic
wrote:e+ - qlSHADOW - Shadow22
And the award for excessive retard of the year goes to!
Pusik/Shadow C:
Unless you are "pasting" your "friend's" "ql and e+ nick" from "icq", pretty sure you are just digging yourself a grave further.Ligas help me!
I just pissed myself
OT: S_Da_Headtoucha
same as here - BlackFx
0ms - G502
ultima - _ultima_
quake live is for pussys...: or have a little one.
quake live is for pussys...: or have a little one.
Thank you for this unbiased, neutral and inoffensive opinion. Allow me to retort: Excessive Plus is for fags and people with no brain.
wrote:quake live is for pussys...: or have a little one.Thank you for this unbiased, neutral and inoffensive opinion. Allow me to retort: Excessive Plus is for fags and people with no brain.
i like both...
perky over there
"Excessive Plus is for fags and people with no brain"
respect m8 anyway u had on mind