Railonly Freeze League 2013

149 replies [Last post]
q3fun's picture
Joined: Jun 2010

F i n i s h e d :

(each clan plays with everyone clans according to the schedule)

* Click <- See schedule!

R o u n d - D a t e :

* Round--1--: 30 Sept - 06 Oct 2013
* Round--2--: 07 Oct - 13 Oct 2013
* Round--3--: 14 Oct - 20 Oct 2013
* Round--4--: 21 Oct - 27 Oct 2013
* Round--5--: 28 Oct - 03 Nov 2013
* Round--6--: 04 Nov - 10 Nov 2013

* Round--7--: 11 Nov - 17 Nov 2013

League Server

* Name: Railonly Freeze League 2013
* IP/port:
* Password: league
* Referee password: cupref

Mandatory client settings

* cl_timenudge: 0
* rate: 25000
* snaps: 40
* cl_maxpackets: 125
* com_maxfps: 125

You can play your match on another server, where permitted:

* snaps between 30 and 125

* cl_maxpackets between 60 and 125

* com_maxfps between 60 and 125

But if one clan doesn't agree, you needed play on League Server!

Clan information

* Every clan has to have their forums on the www.excessiveplus.net website.
* Every clan has to refresh their clandb entry so it will be true to the current clan status.
* Minimum allowed players per team during game is 3.
* Maximum allowed players per team during game is 5 if both clans agree.
* During the event, each Clan has 1 week (7 days) deadline to play their matches.
* Fixtures and League lists will be given after the sign-up's will be finished.
* All played games will be ranked : in RAILONLY Ranked Section.

Mandatory server settings

* Punkbuster: 1
* Pure: 1
* Timelimit: 15
* Fraglimit: 0
* g_gametype: 8
* Friendly Fire: 0
* xp_spawnSystem: 3
* xp_suddendeath: 1
* xp_matchmode: 1
* xp_config: fastrail.cfg
* xp_antyCamp: 1


Maps List



* Any map, if both clans agree! If no agreement, Tie-Map picks clan winner 1on1 duel - q3dm6 before first frag (fraglimit "1").
* A map can not be played twice in the same game.

Pointing system

* Match won: 2 - 0 = 3 points
* Match won: 2 - 1 = 2 points
* Match won by WO = 3 points
* Match lost: 0 - 2 = 0 points
* Match lost: 1 - 2 = 1 points
* Match lost by WO = -2 points


* Everyone clan is playing with everyone clan.
* In this Event Clans play one Clanwar until 2 won maps.
* Referee is needed .
* Simply visit public forums and create a post.
* if no official Referee availble, the clans can search for another neutral player.
* if a match isnt played within deadline there will be a WO.
* if a clan doesnt reply = WO [use forums].
* if a clan doesnt show up after 30 mins after set time = WO [Time set on forums].
* if clan quits the event, every previous and further games will be considered as lost by WO.
* Loosing 2 games by WO in a row will succeed removing from the event.
* Match winner must make a post - match report ( screenshots, etc ).
* Each clan has the right to take 2 timeouts per maps unless oponnent allows more.
* Every player who take a part in event has to play under official clan tag.
* Every player who take a part in event has to be prepaired to play with pb and pure.
* Trial members of a Clan are not allowed to play a clanwar in this event.
* Cheating and multiclaning is not allowed, Clans need to check enterys.
* Prooven multiclaning or cheating = Clan is out of the event.
* Clan Leader is responsible for Team, he need to take care who is allowed to play and who`s not.
* If a Team has broken the rules and won, then the much must be Replayed.
* Both Teams have to plan a Replay of the Match in 1 week.
* Date of post in "New Clan Members" counts as Date to join.
* All games must be played before start of next round .
* If game is not played, clan that not show up before end of round will lose game by WO.
* If both clans don't arrange clan war before deadline both clans will receive yellow Card.
* If one clan have 2 yellow cards for not showing up, it ll be kicked from CUP.
* All clan make mistakes will be punished with yellow Card.
* Two yellow cards - Kicked from cup.
* When posting Clan war results, required is to post in Name of topic number of Round.

Referee rules

* Every match must be played under control of a referee.
* Clans have to arrange with a referee, or post war details @ forums.
* Referee can`t be referee match, if he`s a member of one of the clans participating in this match.
* Referee should sort all problems on the server and record the mvds during the match.
* Clans have to listen to Referee's orders and can't start the match untill Referee allows to.
* Clans have the duty to give the Referee the /ref password on the chosen server.
* If a Clan recruits player during the Cup. The player can't play next 1 match. However, if enemy team agree's on this player, he is able to play without a break.
Participants include:


zarzyn's picture
Joined: Apr 2010
Re: Railonly Freeze League 2013

Twt in Happy


laki_luzer's picture
Joined: May 2010
Re: Railonly Freeze League 2013

I've just pasted link to this thread on elitez.eu and looking forward for our application to having fun with that cup! Big grin
Autumn is always good time to start be more activity here - obviously because of weather hehe Happy

Nice call and N1 @sober - Good luck!

Cheers \%/

To be honest, in my opinion,
first of all, but second hand,
otherwise, however, anyway
and by the way whatever you say... !

q3fun's picture
Joined: Jun 2010
Re: Railonly Freeze League 2013
laki*luzer*ELITE'Z* wrote:

I've just pasted link to this thread on elitez.eu and looking forward for our application to having fun with that cup! Big grin
Autumn is always good time to start be more activity here - obviously because of weather hehe Happy

Nice call and N1 @sober - Good luck!

Cheers \%/

Thank you laki Happy

You have a very large clan, I think there is no reason skip this event!

zarzyn wrote:

Twt in Happy



Joined: Jan 2011
Re: Railonly Freeze League 2013

2 clans cup. gg.
change to slowrail and you might do smth...stop with spammy shit cfg's

q3fun's picture
Joined: Jun 2010
Re: Railonly Freeze League 2013
equinox wrote:

stop with spammy shit

No spam here, pls Winking
If you do not like, this does not mean what you need cry here.

make his league, in which will participate all 24 clans


Joined: Nov 2006
Re: Railonly Freeze League 2013
equinox wrote:

2 clans cup. gg.
change to slowrail and you might do smth...stop with spammy shit cfg's

Go and make your own cup. If you have god movment and good aim who care if it is fast or slow rail.GL in the cup.


laki_luzer's picture
Joined: May 2010
Re: Railonly Freeze League 2013
equinox wrote:

2 clans cup. gg.
change to slowrail and you might do smth...stop with spammy shit cfg's

C'mon, please mate... so you gonna come up with something better? Happy
At least will be something going on here Happy

Just keep crossed fingers for ppl who wants take part at that event XD

To be honest, in my opinion,
first of all, but second hand,
otherwise, however, anyway
and by the way whatever you say... !

zarzyn's picture
Joined: Apr 2010
Re: Railonly Freeze League 2013

It is your main logo. Why you try complain, Bopoh is only person here wants to play/

In last 4 mounth there wasnt here any cup. But you allready start complain.

Dont Like Dont Play

But maybe you will show Your KAI-ZEEN and you will not comment,

ore make your own cup for 3 clans


Joined: Nov 2012
Re: Railonly Freeze League 2013

I would say that we might actually gather a crew (KaiZen clan). So we will keep you posted.

p.s. dont be mad at equinox - sometime he says it all first and then think about it ^^

Site administrator
Skullheadq3's picture
Joined: Dec 2005
DE Germany
Re: Railonly Freeze League 2013

who is in charge of deciding who cheats and who not?

hurrenson: "This idiot is apparently not familiar with a rail/sniper style."