Server CFG Chaoss

81 replies [Last post]
Joined: May 2009

.. this is sick

S3c|¯3¯|¯ [EN] wrote:

so actual change:
-mg damage -2
-sg damage -1
-lg damage +7, splash damage -35, style 0, knockback 70 (agree with Yas that knockback is usefull)

Im rly tired of this. Every cfg maker is making a cfg that fits only him..


'easy' cant shot from rail or to get railed? - then he make e5.cfg
'foksie loy' cant do bfg jumps 2 get not killed by spam? - edawn.cfg
'flex,hq,mow.q' dont like nothing but rail? - plus.cfg

opinion nr.1: Now i dont say e6 SUX,but ff everybody in T+ will think like you .. we'll have 10.000.000 of cfg's

opinion nr.2: I suggest that ALL of you cfg-makers,u hear me? ALL..not solo,.. gather in a msn-conversation-room and discuss about making a MOST WANTED cfg in E+. And i also suggest that you make it with top-players's help, f.e:

- skull,neri,kain,memfish

..but FFS not with f.e:

- Mr.Pants,audio, or GOD knows with what random-players that dont even have idea wtf is Real-Aim Frag-Pleasure

My point. Regardz

mow Q [EN]
Joined: Nov 2003
Server CFG Chaoss

heya road,

u r bad in history, sit down please.

Btw. it is me "mow" and i say, plus.cfg sucks, the config is born because of a bug.

Nevertheless, e+ was made to have a lot of possibliites to play it. So, as more configs, as more u hit the sense of e+. If u wish to see the most wanted config of e+, create it, do something, instead of demanding only.

What do you need to create a successfull config?

Without a busy server u will never be able to establish a config in any way. This is the only magic rule to make a config popular (ofc, u shouldnt miss the interest of the community, but this is just secondary).

S3c|¯3¯|¯ [EN]
Secret's picture
Joined: Feb 2005
Re: Server CFG Chaoss

it is E+'s main feature to be able to create cfgs for all likes!

it is not possible to make a cfg for all likes... especially the huge differences between plus and excessive style are not to be united, as history showed.

also your example for "a cfg that fits only him" is sheer bad... if you were able to read more than 2 pages of that topic, you would have seen that MANY players had their input Winking

12<>al] wrote:

'easy' cant shot from rail or to get railed? - then he make e5.cfg

that proves your lacking knowledge about cfgs and mod's history. e5 is a copy of pants style with a few e+ features. the excessive cfgs were some of the first cfgs for E+... at that time no rail discussion was around^^

Joined: Aug 2006
Re: Server CFG Chaoss
12<>al] wrote:


is that me? in that case, for me the most playable configuration is e6.. but if i had to do one it would be exacly as cpm, so pointless. bye.

Warren G
FELiX's picture
Joined: Sep 2004
Server CFG Chaoss
mow Q [EN] wrote:

heya road

fixed version:

mow Q [EN] wrote:
heya accurun

Joined: May 2009
Re: Server CFG Chaoss
Memphis. wrote:

12<>al] wrote:

in that case, for me the most playable configuration is e6.. but if i had to do one it would be exacly as cpm, so pointless.

-Pointless?Maybe, but not for me. I think u talkin gold, bebe Happy

mow Q [EN] wrote:

12<>al] wrote:

If u wish to see the most wanted config of e+, create it, do something, instead of demanding only.

- Like i said, 10000000 cfgs.. btw ur takin it 2 near 2 heart, i aint demanding

mow Q [EN] wrote:

12<>al] wrote:

(ofc, u shouldnt miss the interest of the community, but this is just secondary).

-Hey man, i play e+ so i am also a part of community, did you,reno,etc try even 1 time to understand me? ... No! you sit me down as you see that im standing,you say 'hello cheater' to annoy me everytime i connect, and you GTFO me just for fun..

YOU YOU YOU .. The heads of E+

but what bad i did to you as a person ?

mow Q [EN]
Joined: Nov 2003
Server CFG Chaoss

I have no idea, why u r attacking me..., cu.

'Rubber Ducky'
Joined: Jan 2007
Server CFG Chaoss

memfish Big grin Wave

LNx's picture
Joined: May 2006
LT Lithuania
Server CFG Chaoss
'Rubber Ducky' wrote:

memfish Big grin Wave

you are top player? oO And memfish is something fantastic! \o

This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny to your signature help him gain world domination.

All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.. [G.Orwell]

'Rubber Ducky'
Joined: Jan 2007
Server CFG Chaoss

prajuokino cia jie mane Big grin pro player ir mem zuvis Big grin

outeris's picture
Joined: Feb 2007
Server CFG Chaoss

cha, I'm getting bored on plus cfg server i wonder why...

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