Should the new post count be implemented?
I should point out that I, myself, am not concerned about my postcount specifically. I was merely addressing Aliases' questions. I didn't think my actual posts were deleted--that's what I was answering for him.
I was aware of the poll for the new postcount and that it was potentially going to happen. So, I was fully aware of what was happening in the Eplus community.
In closing, I could give 2 craps about my postcount. I care more about playing than anything else. So, with that... I am off to do some playing.
how i read the last page here:
I dont care the count, (cry cry cry cry), but (cry cry cry cry) i was not informed (cry cry cry cry).
(Sorry that i am like that)
Look the date of this thread, look the vote .
It is even redicolous that just a so less number of people have voted. The most voted for yes (huh, what was the question?). If u still have in head, that so many has not voted, than we can think, that the most of people really dont care count
*kicks mow in his highest actual post count* LOL ;D
But... there's something in your words. Unless those people you mentioned don't even know there's something like those forums and a postcount altogether.
i actually havent made up my mind about the posts so i havent voted... im swayed between "yes" and "trial"...
ONe thing that scares me about the new postcount is that people will spam the important forums...
Lets not be kidding here... i had about 1000 posts in way less than a year... so im part of the "whoring" (or what some people also choose to call "spam"... it affects me in the same way as the way the price of beer changed in the last 2 months (from £4 per 4-pack, to £4.36 , then back down to £4 again (the 36p could have bought me... 1/10 of a cheesburger meal... or a cheap chinese sopup import *faints* ... i.e. in the "boo-freake-de-whoo" (austin powers quote) style...
even for me, in the inactivity stages... e+ still makes the "top 20 things to do indoors that will be considered illegal in certain Asian countries"... yet i dont think the post count thing changed anything... For anyone pissed off about the new thing... please contact the NTGFF (the "Niggaz that Give a Fuck" foundation)
did any mod thought of sorting topics ? cause there are some pointless topics on general discussion like there are some goood topics on offtopic ...
anyway like ive said : remove all the postcount or dont remove anything imo should be better
I have to put the same vote as wonko. Who gives a rats ass? I mean, seriously, I use the forums for 2 reasons.
1-To give news to my clan of upcoming CW's, practice times, recruits, and general news.
2-announce to the general public of the same as above.
Kinda pointless to put so much stock into the post counting system as to make it a personal crusade to put as many posts as possible. I think as players and as THINKING human beings (Kraster doesn't count. Nyah) we have far more important things to worry about then whether or not we get a new rank at the 10000 post mark. At that point, you should be declaired 'mega-nerd' and banned, just so that you can fall into a catatonic state and be committed to the nearest psychiatric ward.
Termo, better reset the poll or something. I'd like to vote "no post count" and i can't. ;]
I don't know if you decide to keep the post count or not but the reactions were priceless. I'm gonna live longer cause of it.
Yep, reset the poll, my vote will go for the no post count thing.
The new implemented post count will be on trial in the coming months. If there is indeed a negative effect due to the implementation of the new post count, it will be reverted.
The prime motive which lead to the implementation of this new post count is not to purposely reduce your post counts, rather to discourage spammers.
A few of you have mentioned that 'They will merely spam in the forums which have post count enabled'.
I can assure you, the moderation will be quick to the keyboard to fix any spamming that may occur.
Kind Regards
ExcessivePlus Administrator