sin = dupa, Stara Infectedow to petarda (other topic locked =C )

plz smoke some weed and chillfuck it :)somthimes shit happens
czech sinnn, to shady.
Tutaj tylko debile w e-, bedziem grac w nastiepnom kubke ng ))) gl hf
no wlasnie shady musimy wam skopac wkoncu dupska
o 3 wygrane za duzo macie z nami!
lasery smieci!;D
haha qrwa nasza jedyna utrata w ng fraggenation byla od inF :DD KLAN 13 NIE MOGE STRACIC NIE Z KEM Rekord waszi 1 : 3 naszi. Grajem do 5 gzwyciestow, winner - czempion laser of chujario & pizdec4life )))
engrish pleez!

plz smoke some weed and chillfuck it :)somthimes shit happens
czech sinnn, to shady.
Tutaj tylko debile w e-, bedziem grac w nastiepnom kubke ng ))) gl hf
no wlasnie shady musimy wam skopac wkoncu dupska
o 3 wygrane za duzo macie z nami!
lasery smieci!;D
haha qrwa nasza jedyna utrata w ng fraggenation byla od inF :DD KLAN 13 NIE MOGE STRACIC NIE Z KEM
Rekord waszi 1 : 3 naszi. Grajem do 5 gzwyciestow, winner - czempion laser of chujario & pizdec4life )))
hahaha on ng we have 1:2
2 loses with u gays
one here
ok lets make this to 5 :DDDD
Serb has wisdom of falcon moron!!! ahahaha
Rage terapy is not helping bro?? do 20 km on bike you will feel better. Also i read that last pont in african acent. Also COOKIES FOR ALL!
1) turn your headphones/pc speakers up so your colleagues would hear EVERY note or word
2) Play this:
3) You have one chance to give back the clay
4) Tupac alive in serbia, tupac making album in serbia . fast rap tupac serbia. we are rich and have gold now hahahaha ha because of tupac... you are ppoor stink ... you live in a hovel hahahaha, you live in a yurt