On what game you spend the most time in single player mode (to finish that game or discover all secrets ! . I spend like 900 hours with the most briliant game ever i think: Final Fantasy 7.
Demise - Rise of the Ku'Tan and Master of Orion 2.
The first i play non-stop for over 6 years, the second non stop for almost 10 years.
Pro Evolution Soccer 3-5 (@ least 400 hours)
All The G.T.A.s (played & replayed endless times, i'd say *can only calculate* - bout 600 hours)
Star Wars K.O.T.O.R. - (official stat - 58 + 42 = 110 hrs)
And a while ago, Age of Empires 2 - thats about 80 hrs wasted 4 ya...
And i got about 2000 impressives over the years on q3 (i spent a lot of time before going online)
Legacy of Kain Blood Omen
LOK: Soul Reaver
LOK: Soul Reaver 2
LOK: Blood Omen 2
LOK: Defiance
I have played them all through at least 3 times, LOK Blood Omen 2 had some amazeing levels and I spent hours just walking around looking at them.
would be need for speed most wanted for me atm...stuck at the 4th milestone in level 4 :///
His is my tops :}
Age of Wonders, Age of Wonders 2, Age of Wonders: Shadow Magic - i spend a lot of hours with its ~1000h, Need For Speed: Most Wanted, Need For Speed: Porsche 2000, Need For Speed: Underground, Need For Speed: Underground 2 ~ 500h, Age Of Empire 2 ~ 300h, Counter-Strike ~ 200h, Quake 3 ~ 200h
And a lot others, i always want win single player before playing online (exception Warcraft 3) some of them i played 4-5 times

would be need for speed most wanted for me atm...stuck at the 4th milestone in level 4 :///
4 th level as in blacklist 4 or the fourth person you race?
i guess 4th person :}
ah the good old topic again
Transport Tycoon Deluxe

would be need for speed most wanted for me atm...stuck at the 4th milestone in level 4 :///4 th level as in blacklist 4 or the fourth person you race?
the 4th grade of police stuffthing...don't know the name exactly..."4x" at the lower left site of the screen i need to finish 4 milestones before i can chalange the guy whos next in blacklist and get busted everytime before i finish it
and i forgot battlefield 1942.....yes........offline......don't had net on my pc that time...
@ Mad
non-stop 6 years (including no sleep?? j/k) haha, nice!
@ Shady ProEvo best game of soccer made (konami rockss!)
@ Vamp Soundtrack of Blood Omen and LOK rullz too