Hello, I am working on Stargate project, beta preview of what I've done so far you can watch here via youtube.
Its a Stargates that I will use on my latest upcomming map that will be used for my fragfest event.
link ::
short video #1 beta v1
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short video #2 beta v1.1
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short video #3 final v2
map: sgc-test-v2 download
server #1:
server #2: Hunt mod
good job camel
stargate was the best serial i ever watched <3 have all series on dvds
btw why i cant jump into gate? only work when im walking in, also i dont see this 'water' texture
Very nice indeed!
Tnx 4 the effort
looks really cool. but wtf i dont get it obviously i've never seen stargate
nice job camel.

obviously i've never seen stargate
lol :

obviously i've never seen stargatelol
... yes lol ?
its VERY good!- nice to see some innovation!

stargate was the best serial i ever watched
yeap i remember times then i watched a hmn i guess alll series
@cam ontop
em i cant try it now,
but as i see its nothing more just fancy another teleporter, yes ?
It it is wider higher, and thats all, but i have idea cause (true all teleporters players spawn at one and same point so its possible to spawnkill, its nothing new) maybe we can have even better stargates:
is it possible to make multiple random spawnpoints (if im talking unclear please help me, correct me) on all stargate surface
yes there was 2 version of stargates, first was able to teleport everywhere u touched the water, but when gates was closed you cannot walk thru circle
Now you can teleport only by touching trigger teleport that is located at the bottom center circle while gates are open.
Pls post here screenshots with bugs that u see or textures that u dont see, I'll try to fix it, maybe I forgot to put some textures in pack.