I liked it! Very nice!
and wow those speed effects!
V V good!
P.s. watch it in HD
except for the beginning (didnt get the point of that) i rly enjoyed this movie, particularly the camera work and how it communicates the best part of e+ the speed
things like this always wanna make me wanna come back here
without beggining its very cool movie. great montage. specialy i rly like when camera was at top and when was fallowing players like f16 nice work jumpassas
good job!!
The beggining its an artistic/theatrical part, related to baseq3 which is very nice also
After that they are teleported in the excessiveplus mod (ospra3map1) where starts the rocking part
rly you have to see it in hd with full fps, it's muuch better.
Damnit! I was buffering this movie 3 times and I always forgot to watch it! I'm going to buffering it 4th time. I only watched the beginning, make me sleep ^^

except for the beginning (didnt get the point of that) i rly enjoyed this movie, particularly the camera work and how it communicates the best part of e+ the speed
things like this always wanna make me wanna come back here
make more movies like this to get this nubcake back!
n1. what song is playing from 4:43?
Ok, my 2 cents:
+Camera movements, they look very dynamic
-Sametime Confusing if you don't know the map.
+Effekts, sometimes to much, but overall not an effect based video.
-Overused music, some tracks been in X videos already.
-Frags, mostly they aren't very special, its more like, heh, look, I fragged that guy with this and that gun, it doesn't show how people did that.
-Recamming, I see a frag first time, then one recam and then a recam from the opposite angle, means I see 3 times the same frag, but it doesnt make it look any better.
-Quality, Imo you can't really see much, you need to think to get the whole situation and you can't simply see it.
+Creative interludes with teamdemos.
-Sametime it doesn't really make stuff any better, you show a player model and "are like wow epic", eventhough there is no epicness.
And so on, I don't really have the time on xmas to look it twice.
Nice JUMPS, you made the first watchable e+ fragMovie since Abarth's Infinity, Memphis's Short Movie & drill's The Contenders 2Killer Obsession 2 (file missing). If I remember correctly, dibe did something good too.
Some people don't like long intros and some don't mind. I found yours interesting, but at certain points a little slow moving at times. (the movie i've been working on (currently on hiatus till after exams are done) will have an about 95-100 second intro due to the soundtrack I picked). Also, epsi, this is Edawn config most likely, since it had BS @ rail and insta gauntlet (the sarge model didn't make a lowhealth sound when falling from rail to stairs, yet was gibbed by Irina)
About the movie itself: nice frags and use of all weapons & use of 3d effects. My only two negative comment is about how sometimes a frag is shown 3 times from different angles. One should be enough, expect in super special circumstances. And the other negative criticism is due to the LG frag on cpm14. THAT TRACKING IS INCREDIBAD.
Unfortunately,I first played in low quality, and changed to HD after 2.5 mins. Then it loaded slow as fuck and I only watched up to 7th minute. Please upload oon youtube or provide download mirrors like they do on esreality movie section.
Actually, I would advise you to register on the website & upload your movie to the movie section, since this will provide a much bigger audience. Will personally [+] and upvote the movie if it happens.
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