Thank you all for your opinion. Of course there are drawbacks, and at the end of movie, was the desire to do everything wrong.
But I just wanted to make you smile, just before Christmas and Happy New Year, I think I did. ^).
nice moves gg
N1 Fish!! super mega puper move!! and nice music, kriss kross super xD

N1 Fish!! super mega puper move!! and nice music, kriss kross super xD
Thx Ell No Russo ^)
I think it was fun to watch once !
to chaotic for me sorry
the beginning of this mov is absolut the same as K:O. movie. take your own style, it's sux. gl
I think he didn't even seen ko movie : d

Ok, my 2 cents:
+Camera movements, they look very dynamic
-Sametime Confusing if you don't know the map.
+Effekts, sometimes to much, but overall not an effect based video.
-Overused music, some tracks been in X videos already.
-Frags, mostly they aren't very special, its more like, heh, look, I fragged that guy with this and that gun, it doesn't show how people did that.
-Recamming, I see a frag first time, then one recam and then a recam from the opposite angle, means I see 3 times the same frag, but it doesnt make it look any better.
-Quality, Imo you can't really see much, you need to think to get the whole situation and you can't simply see it.
+Creative interludes with teamdemos.
-Sametime it doesn't really make stuff any better, you show a player model and "are like wow epic", eventhough there is no epicness.
And so on, I don't really have the time on xmas to look it twice.
have exactly the identical pov

N1 Fish!! ....kriss kross super xD
looks so much better now :]
Download download link (HQ recommend 850 MB)- Megaupload
Direct watch link (LQ not recommend) -
Direct watch link (LQ not reccomend) -
Added links into first page due to sux videohoster.
1200, its Antiform - Blood Spilt.