[suggest] Spawn Frozen bodies instead of thawing in void/tele/acid
if a person ends up frozen in void or goes through a tele, how about he just spawns elsewhere on a spawnpoint on the map? Would fix some stuff fa sho.
n1 but consider an open map like overkill a score wont hit if the last survived player was an E+ roadrunner >>> PG
Bad idea, its a big problem in quake live atm, lot of maps are unplayble cause everyone try to use this. For example you can stand near the edge with a whole team on maps like dm13 and overkill, with insta melt woulbe be nearly impossible to score.
f1 for tele. good thing is a spawn frozen body through teleport without thaw, but maybe without random spawn, simple like with alive body, that what i was looking for some time ago.
with void idk, can be some lucky melts after this anyway, however, void deserve even no auto thaw in some cases.
so u mean the one that respawns respawns frozen on a random spawn on map? could work imo
so ppl will avoid the voids instead of abusing them, i like the idea
If you meant it in the way Rix has explained it I support this idea.
i think its a good idea, but how about put more time to unfreeze in the lava and acid and water? cos before i enjoyed playing overkill, but now lot of clans use pg and unfreeze them selfs in lava...dunno for me its a bit ''anoying'' to play in that way, so would be just nice to add more time on those.
About teleport, well...i like the thaw in teleport but ofc,,,sux when ppl just stand near that and if someone kills him he autothaws....i for example use that in a different way, in dm13 for example :] but not standing to wait for the shot.
i actually liked the voids teleport on NG :} when i seen campers playing top platforms i always jumped in voids and fraging them when i was falling down, that even chances campers vs teleport jumps :}
(top platform dm17) sneaking sneaking sneaking camping camping -> fala jumps on rail out of map and kill u from the behind then fall down in voids and teleport on map again
i think, its good as it is!
The game needs such spartan rules ...
if u add exceptions or special rules,
u loose the simplicity
(which makes it difficult to design maps/ new ideas)!
i would re-add the door-thaw-method!
atm we have more the problem that lava void and tele instamelt anyways, its possible to turn off melting for lava and acid, but for void and tele it would still be the better solution.
(maybe if you can set a delay on the respawning FROZEN body)
hurrenson: "This idiot is apparently not familiar with a rail/sniper style."