Trolls in multiplayer games.. a curse or a blessing?
Yo, it's really been a while, everything fine with you guys?
Anyway, I was having this conversation recently with a buddy and I would like to ask your opinion on this matter.
Since the days I used to play e+ and the days I jumped to many other online games such as mobas (dota, LoL) and other fps games (CS, UT, QL to most recent beta of Overwatch)...
So the thing is... you play with real human beings and not bots, right?
Therefore, why is "silence" considered fun?
Uhhh, especially in fps games many people just never say anything except a 'gg' or 'gl hf'.
Wow so much fun!
And I remember here in e+ everyone was whinning when there was a troll where you'd always try to vote kick and ban from server etc. Honestly, I remember I was having more fun but that time I wouldn't want to admit it and I would also fall for the troll bait.
Yeah, someone said something mean on an online game and he hurt your feelings? Or do you always expect people to say "hey man you played well but you could maybe play better next time by doing this and blah blah blah".
Sincerely, having played a few matches with a few trolls it was way more fun and I still remember these games.
So what do you guys think? What's the line of trolling and actually being really annoying? Or do you think mute games are always fun?
god bless bax, paradise and other e+ trolls!

god bless bax, paradise and other e+ trolls!
u forgot me, i consider this disrespect. but rly, i agree with the dude, its more relaxing and more fun when there are some funny shits around, ppl shouldn't get so sensitive about insults, ofc an excessive behaviour might be annoying, thats for sure, but funny bullshits makes the game experience more alive and interesting. i remember when i was 15 years old, was goin to some school in another town, in 1 year i entered in class 4-5 times, rest of the year i was goin exploring that city around and having fun in slot machines near there. one day, i can never forget, i was holding with my hands to the gate of school strong as hell, and ppl of my class taking me for the feet n legs for carry me in class and i didn't wanted. they wanted me in class at any cost coz wihtout me it was boring, i had the command of the class and was making funny things...ppl always wanna look brilliant, serious, smart, professional....its just nerdy/complexed behavior in my opinion, ppl should relax a bit more and see the fun side of life, life itself its already sad n serious enough, laugh is the best weapon gifted to us to go through it.....omg i'd so much like to spy the lives of skullhead n kersy <3 ahah
You should eat with more salt in your life. Its not that bad after all.
My random thoughts about the matter:
- disrespect
- noglhf ? just another reason to fight better.
- i cant concentrate if you dont say gl&hf
- if you dont say it, wont say it either
- i don't care
- it was gg for me because i won, no need to say it.
- it was gg for me even if i lost
- i needed some bad luck and your good luck doesn't help.
- yea you better stfu, and eat my bullets
- rails dont need luck
- im having a fun-blast anyway
- you annoy me with that glhfgg dont you have anything else to press/talk/say?
- im tired of hearing ppl say gl hf gg everty game
- ppl say im a rage quitter when i leave the game with no gg
- its a common courtesy for ppl to say gl hf, just like in reallife when you say: hello, good day/evening.
- 10 years old manners: n0 glhfgg2u!
- veterans/oldpa can't wtfglhfgg: gods don't say hello to mortals.
- bad manners, nothing else
- its justagame you babouins, stop learning to speak, it aint your thing.
- i will win because of no glhf.
- bg: it ended badly it was no gg for me.
- im having more fun this way
- fu2 instead of no-gg
- hf only. you dont need gl.
- i should thank him for saying gl hf, but thats all.
- oh aholes still living on this planet
This is more like politics then a communication thing.
I think epsi maybe broken. can we order a new one

You should eat with more salt in your life. Its not that bad after all.
don't take it bad but...u got no idea bout salt my friend. i ate, still eating and gonna eat so much of if that u and these guys here wouldn't arrive to 16 yrs old due to suicide. a nice phrase from eminem about ppl talkin about his money says this " (them) if i had the half of it, (him) if u knew the half of it", so this i like to apply about the salt matter too. anyway, apart ur rage about babuins, i agree with u as i said about "excessive" behavior and usual bollocks, and as u say, need more salt, can't always be sugarish games
Pretty sure there's a middle ground between silence and trolls that can be considered 'fun'. Trolls are not necessary

ppl always wanna look brilliant, serious, smart, professional....its just nerdy/complexed behavior in my opinion, ppl should relax a bit more and see the fun side of life, life itself its already sad n serious enough, laugh is the best weapon gifted to us to go through it.....
+1 !
btw overwatch is full of voice chat troll's , maybe u got voice muted ? .

god bless bax, paradise and other e+ trolls!
God bless us indeed or else.. nigger
not necessary, but not so bad either.