Hi edy,easy.
At the moment there are 2 servers wich are baseq3.cfg.
- Vanilla FFA
- Vanilla CTF
I stated that the servers become popular and their gaming activity is only rising..
With all respect to server host & cpma duel lovers .. i came to suggest creating 1 more Vanilla:
- Vanilla 1V1
I agree,cause when i play on Vanilla ffa,sometimes me and my friends want duels.
Old q3dm6 know what i mean:)
ofc, agree
for what ? if you wanna to play osp style, then play it in the osp mod or in the quake live. its more interesting, then playing in the e+ mod on the baseq3 cfg. plus in quake live you doesnt feel a strange lags like it here. better to delete one vanila server and add one (but better two) oficially public server for a cw & fw! with all normal settings, when you may to call a vote and change gametype from tdm till ca, and change cfg from e5 till the newest version of plusN.
wrote:better to delete one vanila server and add one (but better two) oficially public server for a cw & fw! with all normal settings, when you may to call a vote and change gametype from tdm till ca, and change cfg from e5 till the newest version of plusN.- Thanks to RKT clan, you already have such server :roll: RKT Underworld
yes, thanks to rkt for a public server.. but looks at it, you cant call a vote and change cfg, this is e5r server only. pb&pure - off, and you cant change it. so this is only server for a fw on the e5r cfg. :roll:
YES for baseq3 1v1 unlagged server ;] no for cpma xerp
And would be nice, if someone could change vanilla tag to vanilla 1v1. Anyway this server is always empty. =\
I hope others understand this too ..
What u lookin' at, bra ? I'm back !