Hi edy,easy.
At the moment there are 2 servers wich are baseq3.cfg.
- Vanilla FFA
- Vanilla CTFI stated that the servers become popular and their gaming activity is only rising..
With all respect to server host & cpma duel lovers .. i came to suggest creating 1 more Vanilla:
- Vanilla 1V1
How polite you can be suddenly, if u need something...
I expect this behavior now in all ur posts
And you can't say anything better except flooding? P-:
Need pm easy or edy, dunno which one can help us...
whe have still to wait.til easy ar around i can not change it the server set conf.back to tag server or what server i try to change
better than nothing !
winter sleep maby ?
you mean hibernating ?
As for the RKT sever, Inv you can callvote now as a normal player some things while others are available with ref, yeah we changed the ref password and we will give the ref password only to the referees. Invi contact me for details
edy, Yayy
- Well, I cant guarantee this behaviour in all posts. Im polite only with nice ppl
invizible, RKT Underworld re-enabled again the .cfg callvote:
]\callvote conf
[07:09] Usage: /callvote conf [filename]
[07:09] * baseq3.cfg -> Quake III Arena (baseq3)
[07:09] * default.cfg -> Excessive + Excessive Plus Mix
[07:09] * excessive1.cfg -> Mr. Pants Excessive Overkill v001
[07:09] * excessive2.cfg -> Mr. Pants Excessive Overkill v002
[07:09] * excessive3.cfg -> Mr. Pants Excessive Overkill v003
[07:09] * excessive4.cfg -> Mr. Pants Excessive Overkill v004
[07:09] * excessive5.cfg -> Excessive Overkill v005
[07:09] * e6b.cfg -> Excessive + 1.04beta5 e6 for BloodBath Cup
[07:09] * sample.cfg -> Excessive + 1.04beta5 sample cfg
[07:09] * plusN ->
[07:09] * plusbeta ->
[07:09] * excessive5r.cfg ->
[07:09] * NG.cfg -> Freezerail config
]\condump rkt-callvote.txt
Dumped console text to rkt-callvote.txt.
What u lookin' at, bra ? I'm back !