Vanilla.cfg I v2.3
i want present you the Vanilla.cfg version 2.3 ( Beta )
All settings coming from the default.cfg, only some tiny changes as extra Hotfix requested from the community !
Changelog vanilla.cfg
- add : Drop Flag, Drop Weapon, Drop Powerup = from khaz requested
- change : Railgun Damage 100 to = 80 from sp requested
} Railgun { Damage = 80;
- change : Gametype Structure for a overwrite security on other servers = from epsi and easy requested
g_weaponrespawn = 5; g_weaponTeamRespawn = 30;
Changelog vanilla.cfg (09.06.2013)
- add Mute Spectators by default only in Tournament Gametype
$xp_muteSpectators = ( $g_gametype == GT_TOURNAMENT );
- add Weapon Knockbacks for Rocket Launcher,Plasma Gun,Railgun, BFG
- add unlagged feature directly in the config
xp_unlagged = 1;
- change Weapon Ammo Limit for the Weapons
- change Speed and Time to Live from the Rockets
Speed = 1000;
Time to Live = 30;
- change Reduced Damage from Lightning Gun from 8 to 7
Damage = 7;
- change Hit Box from 1.0 to 1.1
Changelog vanilla.cfg (12.06.2013)
- change Shotgun Ammo from 0 to 10
Ammo = 10;
- change Rocket Laucher Ammo LImit from 50 to 25
Ammo Limit = 25
- change Weapon Knockbacks back to default ( default.cfg)
- change LG Damage back to default ( default.cfg)
Damage = 8;
- change physics to baseq3 ( vq3 )
xp_physics = no;
- add modifyItems directly into the config
} Items { Shootable = no; } modifyItem(0, "item_armor_shard", "", 25, 5); modifyItem(0, "item_armor_jacket", "", 25, 25); modifyItem(0, "item_armor_combat", "", 25, 50); modifyItem(0, "item_armor_body", "", 25, 100); modifyItem(0, "item_health_small", "", 35, 5); modifyItem(0, "item_health", "", 35, 25); modifyItem(0, "item_health_large", "", 35, 50); if (($mapname == "pro-q3tourney4") || ($mapname == "pro-q3tourney7")) { modifyItem(0, "item_health_mega", "", 120); } else if ($mapname == "q3dm17") { modifyItem(0, "item_health_mega", "", 45); } else { modifyItem(0, "item_health_mega", "", 35); } modifyItem(0, "item_quad", "", 120, 30); modifyItem(0, "item_enviro", "", 120, 30); modifyItem(0, "item_haste", "", 120, 30); modifyItem(0, "item_invis", "", 120, 30); modifyItem(0, "item_regen", "", 120, 30); modifyItem(0, "item_flight", "", 120, 30); if ( $g_gametype == GT_TEAM) { modifyItem(0, "weapon_*", "", 30); //modifyItem(0, "ammo_*", "", 30); // see below } else { modifyItem(0, "weapon_*", "", 5); if (($g_gametype == GT_TOURNAMENT) && ($mapname == "pro-q3tourney4")) modifyItem(0, "weapon_railgun", "", 15); //modifyItem(0, "ammo_*", "", 10); // see below } modifyItem(0, "holdable_teleporter", "", 60); modifyItem(0, "holdable_medkit", "", 60); modifyItem(0, "team_CTF_redflag", "", 30); modifyItem(0, "team_CTF_blueflag", "", 30); modifyItem(0, "team_CTF_neutralflag", "", 30); modifyItem(0, "item_health_mega", "", -1, 100); modifyItem(0, "weapon_machinegun", "", -1, 50); modifyItem(0, "weapon_shotgun", "", -1, 10); modifyItem(0, "weapon_grenadelauncher", "", -1, 10); modifyItem(0, "weapon_rocketlauncher", "", -1, 10); modifyItem(0, "weapon_lightning", "", -1, 100); modifyItem(0, "weapon_railgun", "", -1, 10); modifyItem(0, "weapon_plasmagun", "", -1, 50); modifyItem(0, "weapon_bfg", "", -1, 10); // all ammo boxes respawn within 40 secs modifyItem(0, "ammo_bullets", "", 40, 50); modifyItem(0, "ammo_shells", "", 40, 5); modifyItem(0, "ammo_grenades", "", 40, 5); modifyItem(0, "ammo_rockets", "", 40, 5); modifyItem(0, "ammo_lightning", "", 40, 50); modifyItem(0, "ammo_slugs", "", 40, 5); modifyItem(0, "ammo_cells", "", 40, 50); modifyItem(0, "ammo_bfg", "", 40, 5);

- add New Custom cvar
v_physics 0 = Default.cfg physics ( default ) v_physics 1 = Baseq3 physics ( vq3 ) v_physics 2 = QuakeLive physics ( quakelive )
}if ($v_physics == 1) {$xp_physics = no;} if ($v_physics == 2) {$xp_physics = PHYSICS_QUAKE_LIVE | PHYSICS_STEP_JUMPS | PHYSICS_AIR_STEPS;} else {$xp_physics = PHYSICS_AIR_STEPS | PHYSICS_STEP_JUMPS;} $v_physics = 0;

- change requested by easy, hotfix for ctf in modifyItem
modifyItem(0, "team_CTF_redflag", "", 30) ;modifyItem(0, "team_CTF_blueflag", "", 30) ;modifyItem(0, "team_CTF_neutralflag", "", 30);
- change a solution for all in the physics! Server owner decission!
(you will see in Server description the physics version
Vanilla Excessive v2.3 (VQ3) Vanilla Excessive v2.3 (QL) or just Vanilla Excessive v2.3 with old physics settings
if ( $v_physics == 1 ) { $xp_physics = no; config->version .= " (VQ3)"; } else if ( $v_physics == 2 ) { $xp_physics = PHYSICS_QUAKE_LIVE | PHYSICS_STEP_JUMPS | PHYSICS_AIR_STEPS; config->version .= " (QL)"; } else { $xp_physics = PHYSICS_RAMP_JUMPS | PHYSICS_DOUBLE_JUMPS | PHYSICS_AIR_STEPS | PHYSICS_STEP_JUMPS; }
Interesting quote from easy :
default.cfg has no Physics. It is simply the physics of the last config used or those that have been set in the server.cfg by startup.
You forget to include "DROP PANTS" option

You forget to include "DROP PANTS" option
hahahhaha good 1 xd
thx asphyx
Power Ups are present in FFA (clan arena and duel are the only ones where power ups aren't widely used, and certain duel maps such as q3tourney1 actually still have them, they aren't config-disabled).
increase knockback for plasma and rl in caln arena. well in case someone will play those gametypes
for plasma climb and rocket jump purposes

- change : Railgun Damage 100 to = 80 from sp requested} Railgun { Damage = 80;
What for?! This change is from QuakeLive, so, it isn't "vanilla" config but closer to QuakeLive's one. You'd better mix Quake III Arena and Team Arena configs: Q3A's GUI and Q3TA's gametypes, weapons and power-ups.
the plasmagun on lostworld should have added also)

the plasmagun on lostworld should have added also)
That doesn't concern configs, that's mapping dealt - by changing *.map files with *.bsp files too, or by adding *.add or *.ents files.
finally fucking deactivate rampjumps and doublejumps?! You can't move at all.
thx for the info, i will fix it asap that powerups not appears anymore in duel and ca . isnt a big problem.
have you more suggestions? would be nice!
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