Vanilla! Project
Hello community.
Terror and I are creating some clans for config based on vanilla config to play really nice matches with two goals - to have fun and feel some heat on your back
At the moment we've got one clan which is ffs on lead with echo and another 3 one's that are being formed. Also, as I talked to Shady he seems to be interested in this so we might have another clan for this scene.
If there is anyone in this community who would like to join our clans please let us know in a post below. Everyone can participate in this project.
Altough if you've got any other questions about this you might ask here as well.
Hope to see lots of interested people in here!
Let me explain "WTF is VANILLA ?" for any of u who don't know yet.
Basically it's default quake 3 gamestyle... the one without any mods installed...
Running around and picking armors, items, weapons
vq3 physics, no multijumps, selfdamage weapon impact ...
...ehhh just go here >>>>>Vanilla! CTF server<<<<<
Basically it's not RAILONLY and it's not PLUS SIDE,
so anyone can create new VANILLA clan or join our clans (which will be formed in few days).
I am interested in joining, i am currently playing only vq3 so.. yea
If you thought epsi is not playing anymore U WAZ WRONG!
Word of warning: after the last HoQ season was over, there weren't any CTF tournaments, and since this is a Quake3 mod with a shitload of people playing both casually (not just me, half of e+ has a QL account), word of mouth would get out, and whatever clans are still active from March (which is basically all of them because CTF pickups are always running), I'd say it's a bad idea.
Khaz or Terror: spend a day doing CTF pikcups in #playquake, then realise that you want these people to play e+, against your own clans
Just stick to friendly sunday games! and if you get a solid unit going, try competing against other clans slowly
edit: I'm not just pulling this info out of my ass, I like CTF, I contributed admin to one Clanbase, one Kuh3Liga and three House Of Quake leagues.
I can only speak for myself and I'm even more happy reading your post
U are wrong if u think I want to make a best e+ clan owning other noobs from e+ Don't be narrow minded shady xd ofcourse I want all those people playing ql and cpma here
I want e+ to grow, I'm not alienM or rayden who will cry about killing e+ clans, as long as there are people playing this mod then this mod is alive and growing.
to sum up I hope there will be place for everyone here... for e+ vanilla "noobs" and quake live pro clans coming here and owning every event pff see if i care xd

I can only speak for myself and I'm even more happy reading your post
U are wrong if u think I want to make a best e+ clan owning other noobs from e+Don't be narrow minded shady xd ofcourse I want all those people playing ql and cpma here
I want e+ to grow, I'm not alienM or rayden who will cry about killing e+ clans, as long as there are people playing this mod then this mod is alive and growing.
to sum up I hope there will be place for everyone here... for e+ vanilla "noobs" and quake live pro clans coming here and owning every event
pff see if i care xd
Well in that case I can help you get in touch with some people for cup organisation. My main concern would be the fact the excessive newcomers (pre-2009) wouldn't know that this forum is not the premier place for e+ cup and tournament organisations (Faith's and would just be to xenophobic to leave..
But that could just be a cleansing process from the retards who fail to see the bigger picture. Oh and having third party tournament organisations does not hinder excessiveplus's ability to host plus/bananarail cups here.
But my final advice: make a team of 4-8 people and another clan of similar size, and practice. After some time, CTF tactics should come naturally and you would be able to compete in OSP (if it's still alive) and QL.
EDIT: And after you played a few clan games here, try other vq3 places like osp/ql and once you have built a bit of a rapport with those guys, tell them about this place and the things/tournaments you have planned. This way, the advertisement will work much better, and the standard of play would not be bad enough to scare away e+ clans.*
So much easier, and there would be a lot less hassle involved.
* I realised I asn't explaining this idea properly to you.
no comment, it's like writing to a wall
Great project,default q3 sounds sexy. Love all these rockets and other shit flying around and exploding.
loads of FUN !
Most if not all my vanilla skill has gone away, so it'll be good to get back into it on a regular basis.

no comment, it's like writing to a wall
Can I steal that line, terror?
Waste of time for you both to continue this discussion.
No matter of consequences we will make those clans, even if we get only 4 clans it'll be still loads of fun for us. As for me, I don't even plan to participate on ql/osp scene anylonger. The only thing that is interesting me [and I believe most of us] is just to have a piece of fun participating with each others and promote this config INSIDE this community, to have more and more people playing with us. The goal is just to have fun and play regular matches, not to win. After everything will be launched well and smooth [hope so] we can invite some other clans to participate with us, but that is a long way to go, we don't even have a good config yet.
We are not taking it so serious, Shady, so we don't need to take example of anyone who were making events before; we'll be just keeping everything simple and clear enough. All the people who plays this config are one big bunch of friends so I highly doubt we'll be having any difficulties except the beginnings.
Now I hope it's clear. Let people sign up for those clans just like epsi's did.
Epsi, visit us in this Sunday on Vanilla! CTF so we'll play a few games and think where you can play and in which clan
No "gl" needed, just "hf"!.
"Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most."
- Mark Twain