VSP ExcessivePlus Edition
VSP is an stats generator system by parsing q3 log files. However, it's been broken since excessiveplus 1.03 back in 2005. So, I've been working for like 10 days on this:
VSP 0.45 ExcessivePlus Community Edition 1.2 - 12.9 MB - md5: c879903d0b69a6fb6a43ce8f71718461
VSP OpenArena Media Pack 1.2- md5: a097488be3ae5b478e2d4083d04b42f1
The first contains an all-in-one pack of vsp with several fixes and improvements - read the readme-xp.txt file for more details. The second contains the media (players and standard maps images) for an openarena server.
For customization for your own server, you have to look forward the following files:
- pub/configs/cfg-default.php: Connection to database, ftp (if any), general options for your site and several options for the parser.
- pub/include/playerBanList-default.inc.php: List of banned players - not recomended.
- pub/include/playerExcludeList-default.inc.php: List of excluded players.
- pub/themes/bismarck/skins/*: Skins of the theme.
- pub/themes/bismarck/all.inc.php: Portions of the site presents in all the pages: header, footer, menu, credits, etc.
- pub/themes/bismarck/settings.inc.php: Some settings that affects the pages.
Advanced configuration:
- pub/games/q3a/awardsets/default/default-awards.php: Awards definition.
- pub/games/q3a/skillsets/default/default-skill.php: Skills definition.
To take a look at how the stats looks like, you can refer to WaspKiller servers stats:
All that said, there is one thing I'm not completely satisfied with: a balanced skills definition file. The file i add in the pack contains all weapons and events factors available, and the parameters for the logistical distribution. I only add factors for standard weapons kills, ctf events, thaws and - as a pilot test - team scores, but there are plenty options available. However, i don't recommend to use the ones marked with "inaccurate", because they come in batches and the first players processed are more affected that the last ones. Also, i think that some events - mainly team ones - are not too suited for public servers because of unbalanced teams, players leaving early or switching teams, etc. For a brief explanation of the skill system, refer to the readme-xp.txt file.
Any suggestions are welcome.
Nice It was always a pain to get vsp to process e+ logfiles + name problems. Keep it up!
[code:1]Fatal error: Call to undefined function sys_get_temp_dir() in /var/www/vsp/xp103_compat.inc.php on line 24[/code:1]
[code:1]Fatal error: Call to undefined function remove_xp_tmp_logfile() in /var/www/vsp/vsp-q3a.php on line 157[/code:1]
it happening when I am using vsp.php?mode=web
first error is when I want to use
second with
Also, How do I update stats automatically ?
...it happening when I am using vsp.php?mode=web
Also, How do I update stats automatically ?
My setup is probably a bit more complicated than most will need to be
because I don't run the game servers and the web server on the same PC
or the same OS. Everything is automated and none of my Q3 and OA game servers are shut down during this process.
My Setup:
Game Servers run on Windows Virtual Private Server.
A TaskManager job runs Bitvise Tunnelier (free) every 6 hours to
transfer six logfiles via SFTP (ssh) to a Linux Web Server.
The batch file that TaskManager calls:
CD utils\bvt
sftpc -profile=vsp.tlp -cmdFile=vsp.txt
The vsp.txt batch file:
cd public_html/30vsp/ftplogs
put -o c:\game\oa\tag\excessiveplus\games.log
cd 40vsp/ftplogs
put -o c:\game\oa\tdm\excessiveplus\games.log
cd 50vsp/ftplogs
put -o c:\game\q3\dhf2v2\excessiveplus\games.log
cd 60vsp/ftplogs
put -o c:\game\q3\dhf\excessiveplus\games.log
cd 70vsp/ftplogs
put -o c:\game\oa\ctf\excessiveplus\games.log
cd 80vsp/ftplogs
put -o c:\game\oa\ffa\excessiveplus\games.log
Then a CronTab job on the Linux PC runs ten minutes later, synchronized
with the 4 times per day that the files are transfered:
However unlike Beast's recommendation I don't use the -n parameter. I get
an e-mail after every cron job that includes the results so I would know
if it failed.
The Cron job will look like this:
/usr/bin/php /home/goquake/public_html/30vsp/vsp.php -l q3a-xp -p savestate 1
/usr/bin/php /home/goquake/public_html/40vsp/vsp.php -l q3a-xp -p savestate 1
/usr/bin/php /home/goquake/public_html/50vsp/vsp.php -l q3a-xp -p savestate 1
/usr/bin/php /home/goquake/public_html/60vsp/vsp.php -l q3a-xp -p savestate 1
/usr/bin/php /home/goquake/public_html/70vsp/vsp.php -l q3a-xp -p savestate 1
/usr/bin/php /home/goquake/public_html/80vsp/vsp.php -l q3a-xp -p savestate 1
The only time I have done anything manually is when I was doing the daily testing with Beast and needed to clear the DB via the web (-a clear_db).
Recommendation: I would archive or delete the logfiles after a week if your server is very popular. Also, when updating via the web as opposed to Taskmanager/Crontab the size of the logfile can cause the update process to require more than 1 attempt to complete. Try to automate these functions if possible.
PHP version: 5.2.9
MySQL version: 5.1.30
Thx for updates, everything works good now, I started stats for 1 of my public servers, link below:
and heres the CPU consumption:
Pentium Dual-Core E5200 @ 2.50GHz
watch it here
log that I updated had 130mb, and it used some space on hd for mysql db too.
Stats are update every 24 hours at 5:30 AM.
I had problem when I was generating starts for first time with -n command, so i dont use it, cuz stats were not updated completely, dunno why
(maybe its cmd only for updates?

Btw, this guids are really common XD
and some others
well first one is good, cuz me and 2 of my brothers are playing on same pc, ip & cdkey, second guid as u see is using by many peoples so userdb is scrambled
Someone move this post to "server setup & configuration help", posted here by error
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