VSP ExcessivePlus Edition
good job m8, np, I don't care .

A little change: added a country search option. Only changed one file so here it is. Main post link updated.
Edit: thanks to camel for his suggestions regarding flags, player fields and country search.
Thx Beast, new stats are awesome :thumbright:
It might be easy for experienced coders and php users to apply this VSP into the servers.. but in my case i suck so is it posible to make a VSP install guide for Dummies?
The only acces i can get to hk servers is via SFTP. And i have 100 doubts when i edit the cfg-default.php.
Is it posible to explain with examples of what we need to insert in each line that has to be edited?
If someone can upload an already done default.php file it will be great
Damm, really good job -
Really nice, e+ need it, you do it.
Haha, now youll have to make another skin so that your vsp site looks unique
Había una vez un barco chiquito...