Want a CW against (.WASP.)?
23. April 2005 - 9:51
If any clan is interested of having a CW against (.WASP.), please feel free to:
Visit: http://wasp.excessiveplus.net
mail me: or
5. January 2006 - 18:33
Want a CW against (.WASP.)?
Rofl no one post here ure too good.
6. January 2006 - 11:18
Want a CW against (.WASP.)?
Sharin uzsidejai savo motinos uzpakalio foto?
6. January 2006 - 12:30
Want a CW against (.WASP.)?
Ne kause...Fucking idiot.
6. January 2006 - 19:04
Want a CW against (.WASP.)?
Kid u kid...
7. January 2006 - 14:04
Want a CW against (.WASP.)?
I see now what an idiot you are skaf thought you were my friend soty man but you insulted me very big...Btw my mom is dead...
7. January 2006 - 23:32
Want a CW against (.WASP.)?
sorry man for ur mam:( my apologys... i didnt know that, i just know that u are 2 times yonger than me, and i saw ass of 40years women in ur profile, cus i said so for joke.
btw sry for this ot:)
8. January 2006 - 13:31
Want a CW against (.WASP.)?
This topic is not for this!
8. January 2006 - 23:49
Want a CW against (.WASP.)?

Good Idea
19. March 2006 - 14:54
Want a CW against (.WASP.)?
mouzer = fitta
(had to get revenge sry for spam
20. March 2006 - 16:25
Want a CW against (.WASP.)?
haha lol
just you w8