Which gametype should be in the next league?
Short, I am not trying to start a fight, I have no beef with you other than that post. And I mixed up midget mind and expansion pack for the brain (this can only be interpreted as we have a small brain since it needs expansion?)
Anyway, the reason I was angry with the post is that I think it is small minded to require expansion packs or thinking other people are smallminded because their opinion is different than your own.
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I voted freeze ,but now I like Tdm better, I want to know the gametype for tdm?
set g_gametype "3"
btw - what with gametypes like protect the leader? is ave working to finish it up?
RTF server is up on all wekend time or litle more, its based on 1v1 Bo's weaponsetings wit faster LG and litle wekes MG, plasma reload is faster.
im working at grenades configuration wona meake biges hit body that big as rocked haw but im dont know command 4 that test in neew powerful weapons LG PG GL, im open for sugestions.
Gametype is hereby set by the contsting teams alone (teamvotes).
Gametype in this league will be TDM
Yippee :roll:
aight, may we see the votes ?