why now we not see here long pro / why no clans
work on server spider functions is way
more people will play if server spider will contain track score for longer time
scripts to server spider in php is part of excessiveplus documentaion here
but what left is some files from master server
build php site server spider clone is way with better functions
that programming have one target
bring sorted players stats of all excessiveplus servers or complete quake 3 ports
in bethseda quake live you can find players sorted rank automaticaly generated
here is missing
so lets see , excessiveplus documentation is open and master server basic file must be asked
the newcomers will not know command in console: /cl_allowdownload 1 , that is the problem, haha

Sometimes we come back.In fact, sometimes we bring the gift of a server with a whole new 'style' of gameplay. enjoy.
come HK, 2005 mode, rerecruit ratsalad, etc, all old HK, go 4x4 clan war, TDM, DS-HK
Ufas, you talk 100% like Jumps:FPS. Yes, majority of old players don't play in E+, but it's not like they are the HEART OF E+ . Can you imagine yourself back in time and honestly tell me why did you start playing E+ ? I bet you 100$ that it wasn't because of Skullhead, Ultima, Marcus & all those men.. It was more because of everybody were having fun playing a great mod together. It was also because most of us were young, but now we got older and bored of everything...
So I say that E+ technically could respawn once again, but it will be with a handicap, like SuchSpeed mentioned.
Yes, accurun is right!
But it's true that \cl_allowdownload 1 is another reason. Back in the old days .. servers had q3base maps, and noobs sometimes came and play..
My reason when i started playing e+ was because wow those fancy names, and ffa servers with at least few ppl there to spend time with.
After that i found 1v1 and that got me started for real.
Now i have no time ... family is more important.
I say, if you want new ppl, make friends on the public servers (even on non e+ servers).. those that have players, even if you don't like the config..
Maybe next time you show them some fancy tricks...
1stly because of fun, later because of wanting to pwn top clans, haha
A little joke:
"Once I took the 2nd place at a competition of weightlifting. But there were only 2 competitors"
Basically, as long as there is a competition, there will be a top
e + forever in our hearts
you can not create an e + mode for qukae live?
hi bratik, hi epsi, hi all!