why now we not see here long pro / why no clans

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Jiva's picture
Joined: Jun 2006
CZ Czech Republic
Re: why now we not see here long pro / why no clans

quake live version of excessiveplus was stopped on

jumps , fires and bfg etc in quake live can not any way to create

somebody here start that project some time before , quake live e+ but stop

Jiva's picture
Joined: Jun 2006
CZ Czech Republic
Re: why now we not see here long pro / why no clans

I have an idea how to make game excessiveplus web and program more popular

Is demonstrable > traffic exchange sites make web alive after some months

for example start 10khits.com there add excessiveplus page url

next example start easyhits4u.com there add excessive url too

this two can run simultaneously , 10khits automatic and easyhits4u manually

after some months 3 or 6 the excessiveplus url will be indexed by

database of 10khits and easyhits4u this is 2,3 millions of living users

some similar to pray group at facebook with 600 000 people

this way make newcomers real , it will be noobs

Jiva's picture
Joined: Jun 2006
CZ Czech Republic
Re: why now we not see here long pro / why no clans

looks like discussion is about core of old known players ,

my first idea =

work on server spider , bring function : all players sorted list -->

players sorted list

my second idea =

use traffic exchange sites www.10khits.com , www.easyhits4u.com

learn mechanism

it can be way of help or support for quake web excessiveplus

about core of old players =

beacoz rank page is out and rank play is history ,

work on function challenge part of this page

bring to life function sorted list of players not only clans and teams

or bring back rank

12's picture
Joined: Jun 2009
MD Moldova, Republic of
Re: why now we not see here long pro / why no clans

Man, I think we don't need to complicate this more. Who wants to play - just play, but make sure to spawn one e5r.cfg and one plusN.cfg server. New players will connect and stay if there will be some activity, but also remove that Pureskill BS because a cheater will always find a way how to cheat, I say instead we should have a "Cheat Busters Committee" that will analyze demos and give final verdict :)-I'd played for a long time QuakeLive and I am confident to say that it is effin' boring to be able to play ClanArena on 4, max 5 maps ! With casual people who you can't persuade into a Funwar or Clanwar. ExcessivePlus Mod brings MUCH MORE JOY, believe me on that. 100%

What u lookin' at, bra ? I'm back !

q3fun's picture
Joined: Jun 2010
Re: why now we not see here long pro / why no clans

"brat", ты реально готов спонировать лигу на 1000$?


Jiva's picture
Joined: Jun 2006
CZ Czech Republic
Re: why now we not see here long pro / why no clans

if you promise to sponsor a web page where is used traffic exchange site daily by team of monkeys , result will be sponsor try to that web with advertisements our products and for sure pay. By this solution you dont need 1000$ from yours.

team of monkeys = 10 person daily use 10khits and easyhits4u traffic exchange

excessiveplus.net add to traffic exchange and will be atractive for sponsor this way

two targets done ,

1 traffic to excessiveplus.net bring potentional players
2 sponsor choose excessiveplus.net for advertisement our product
and more , monkeys can be profitable in cent game
quake can realise tournament again

monkey requirement , 1 hour daily or 2 activity for quake include traffic exchange and game
trying a deal , a compromise , percentual chance to sell your products here around

Jiva's picture
Joined: Jun 2006
CZ Czech Republic
Re: why now we not see here long pro / why no clans

pureskill is holy , dont speak any against it

LNx's picture
Joined: May 2006
LT Lithuania
Re: why now we not see here long pro / why no clans

Somebody asked why we played this mod before? And the answer is simple because we loved to play and compete against old folks. Even outside of game we had a lot of fun on forums and chat, because of these people who already left.

  • traffic to excessiveplus.net bring potentional players
Great, new people comes to the site, instantly spots dead forums and empty servers and leaves... By the way, how much new traffic you managed to generate? You should know these statistics, but I doubt it will be more then 10-20 people at best.
  • sponsor choose excessiveplus.net for advertisement our product
Sponsors seriously? What the fuck you are even talking about? I didn't see single advertisement of e+ yet and I doubt I am going to see one anytime soon.

Just stop trying already, this game died long long time ago (and for a good reason) and you wont bring it alive. This mod already were alive for way to long, it had to die back in 2010.

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beazt's picture
Joined: Apr 2006
CZ Czech Republic
Re: why now we not see here long pro / why no clans

Amen Froggy. Here is nothing what can bring this mod back to life. We had great times, played really lot of hours together and enjoyed many LOLs and even angry situations Happy Iam glad i could meet some of you personally. For example Kaktus, Zont, IO, Pandora!box, Nihil, Diablo, Katipan, H4l, Toxic, PsyCo, Menjek and maybe someone else. Unfortunelly we are all getting older and majority of ex members has different hobbies than playing games. I would like also remind those of us, who died. For example Zoomy, Hello or Alex.K. Thanks for reading and maybe even leaving a comment

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KaFa's picture
Joined: Aug 2011
TR Turkey
Re: why now we not see here long pro / why no clans

Although the game may seem dead, it will remain in our hearts forever. Having said that, Quake games series were like a new level in fps games until new graphics engine games came along and grabbed the youngsters in the groin. As many people have mentioned, the people who play this game are above a certain age level. This means that the game cannot feed on new players and is gradually disappearing. In order to revive the game and ensure that the new generation as well as old players participate in the game, the following can be done: proactive marketing (advertising), organizing tournaments with prizes (sponsorship issue) and making game-related public interactive environments (social media, discord, etc.).
As long as these are not realized, it seems that such topics will continue to be opened and we will continue to discuss among ourselves.
We look forward to seeing you all at the Freon 2021 Fragfast event (with award) that will be announced soon. Happy games to all of you. May Quake be with you.