[x]1v1IC / Bax 2:1 Gogi
So, Bax asked me to do it when he was banned on the site, but I forgot, lol. Anyway, here it is, a little bit late, sorry...
1st map: q3dm3 (Gogi's choice) - 31:23 [played on 17th of July]
2nd map: q3dm5 (Bax's choice) - 20:19 [also played on 17th of July]
3rd map: q3dm2 (TIE) - 27:19 [played on 24th of July]
Gametype: 1v1.
Timelimit: 7.
Pure: 1.
PunkBuster: 1.
AntiWallhack: 1.
Server: E+ -WAR- Server #3.
Config: IFT.
HD videos: http://www.mediafire.com/download/bnbzru17wc24v7i/baxvsgogi-240715.rar
GG Bax!
serious game)))? but why?
Clash of the Titans ;)Gg
why [x] ??
Aw it bax can't play rank game...
16. Every played game has to be reported by winner at the individual ranking section.
also I don't think splitting a match over days is generally allowed.
And Bax has a red card currently.
It is for that retarded instacup made by platinum. I dnt care if rank or not but make it valid for the cup
baxxxx noooobbbbbbbbb bad game