[x]CTF MADNESS CUP 2012 R1 VENDETTA 2-1 THC//4.7.2012
:: Game for: CTF MADNESS CUP 2012
.:: 1st (VENDETTA map) q3wcp18: 18:2 for Vendetta
.:: 2nd (thc map) q3ctf4: 15:21 for THC
.:: 3nd (tie map) mapel4b : 12 : 3 for Vendetta
.:: Server: C4 WAR SERVER
.:: Gametype: CTF
.:: Timelimit: 15
.:: Fraglimit: 0
.:: Pure: Enabled
.:: Punkbuster: Enabled
.:: Reffre: tyrant ( thx again )
no screen?
What's problem THC? I heard you won't allow this game cuz of killer? that was at start or end of the game? because this is interesting:> anyway, killer was banned some years ago for multiclanning and nobody unbanned him? WHAT THE FUCK?! You dirty bitches when people cheats you allow them to play after half year and now when you loosing game you disagree because of killer ban? dont use your power Fate as ranking moderator, thats not nice. Will you unban him at end of his life? or is it permanent ban? Again WTF?
One more thing, for me this game is valid one and I allow killer to play in this cup, if u have any objections just post it.
edit: want to see demos! hmmm I see Tyrant was ref? Do he know how to record mvd's? As we can see on screens he dont, so I think this game won't be valid now, anyway Killer still can play and you have chance for change it before rematch but use smart arguments please.
the problem is that you are an idiot and take your conclusions about us in your ass.
ooo bad words...dudes dont do that.. especially for admins no insult plz or you get ban..
no worries we already explained it.
i hope its clean allready, but last time i see from Dynio some bad words to my clan .
ps: gg, was fun, whatever win or loose , if i can say personality i didnt play ctf thats why i never will be with Killer and trax on same flying level
, nvm gg. And cu in Freeze tag or tdm revange somedays
Thanks Ash for refing!
sry for my words, kszksz.
Now most things are clean
ye see i wanna play ftag too when i back home we can take a date.sure
no problems ;] i need to say sorry also, anyway Zydek i told ya u have to practice and u need teacher:D nad dont thank Ash because he is dupa and he didnt recorded mvd's ;p
here screenshots