®[13] 2:0 mi3 IFTL 2015
ref: eugen (thanks)
gg! but why not league server, there ping better, and can use com_maxfps more than 125!?
and can use com_maxfps more than 125!?
for what?
gg! but why not league server, there ping better, and can use com_maxfps more than 125!?
Why can't u just shut up and leave it for yourself...
Sorry guys I didn't had time yesterday for game
Sorry guys I didn't had time yesterday for game
I believe you ...
wrote:and can use com_maxfps more than 125!?for what?
boys from [13] asked, why only 125, in the 21st century, etc. I think they are right, and the rules do not prohibit
In any case all have different monitors, one guy has on the 60 hertz, the other has a 150, it is also an advantage.
at least make the cap of fps as 300... in ql most of the players are sitting on 250 fps...
gg! but why not league server, there ping better, and can use com_maxfps more than 125!?
"league server" higher ping
at least make the cap of fps as 300... in ql most of the players are sitting on 250 fps...
what does it change? i still don't get what is about this stuff to go over 125, i remember some stuff about 333 for higher jumps or similar stuff, but forgot all of it...could u or someone explain this stuff more detailed?