__)Ali(__ Fragfest EveryDay plusN

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xpaliminium's picture
Joined: Nov 2005


I am pleased to present my first official q3 dedicated server :

New Server wrote:

__)Ali(__ Fragfest EveryDay plusN

Its name says it all : it is dedicated for FFA with a large number of players = fragfest.

Current Settings wrote:

Arrow Config : PlusN
Arrow Slots : 32 (2 private)
Arrow Callvote : map_restart, nextmap, addbot, kick allbots
Arrow Gametype : FFA

Arrow Fraglimit : 200
Arrow Timelimit : 10
Arrow Warmup : 30

Arrow Pure : on
Arrow Punkbuster : off

Current Rotation wrote:

xpmffa0 (Link)

We will start with one custom map only so that will attract ppl

Current Admins wrote:

Aliminium (only me)

I will need some admins there Happy

2 more servers will come soon.

Futur Rotation wrote:

xpmffa0 (Link)
xpmffa1 (Link)
thewell (Download)
absolute (Link)

I will need more maps and counting on ppl's suggestions Happy

I'm open to all constructive suggestions.

Enjoy, Happy


Wanna avoid seeying mow, skull & co Surprise

Check this peacefull place

xpaliminium's picture
Joined: Nov 2005
__)Ali(__ Fragfest EveryDay plusN
¯¯__█ALI█¯¯__ wrote:

server will be re-launched tonight Tongue (with nohup this time)

server running now Happy
__)Ali(__ Fragfest EveryDay plusN -

Wanna avoid seeying mow, skull & co Surprise

Check this peacefull place

eRRor369's picture
Joined: Jul 2007
__)Ali(__ Fragfest EveryDay plusN

right now;
players... 2/30
that's now fragfest Confused

pew pew you're dead

xpaliminium's picture
Joined: Nov 2005
__)Ali(__ Fragfest EveryDay plusN
eRRor369 wrote:

right now;
players... 2/30
that's now fragfest Confused

This is not an event dibe, it's a permanent server.

Do you know how ppl come ? they see 8+ ppl then ppl start to join automatically

And to have those 8 players some have to come even if there aren't any, as it is done in beer freezer :
I join when server empty or only 1 player, in 5 min we are 4-6 after 5 more mins we are about 10, and finally, at next map end server is full.
but in this case they have to get the map first.

Anyway, download and come then many will join.

Wanna avoid seeying mow, skull & co Surprise

Check this peacefull place

xpaliminium's picture
Joined: Nov 2005
__)Ali(__ Fragfest EveryDay plusN

Step by step, is better than all at once Tongue

Current Rotation wrote:
xpmffa0 (Link)

We will start with one custom map only so that will attract ppl

This map is small one, you don't need to stay searching player for so long time. Even with 2 players in server you can enjoy it.

I will update server's rotation tonight Big grin

Wanna avoid seeying mow, skull & co Surprise

Check this peacefull place

eRRor369's picture
Joined: Jul 2007
__)Ali(__ Fragfest EveryDay plusN


pew pew you're dead

xpaliminium's picture
Joined: Nov 2005
__)Ali(__ Fragfest EveryDay plusN

server updated Happy

changed :
Arrow Callvote : map_restart, nextmap, addbot, kick allbots

one map in rotation to get here :

xpmffa0 (Link)

Wanna avoid seeying mow, skull & co Surprise

Check this peacefull place

xpaliminium's picture
Joined: Nov 2005
__)Ali(__ Fragfest EveryDay plusN

moved server to e+ version 2.0a

Wanna avoid seeying mow, skull & co Surprise

Check this peacefull place

xpaliminium's picture
Joined: Nov 2005
__)Ali(__ Fragfest EveryDay plusN

many like the maps : xpmffa0, xpmffa1 and xpvs0.

but still I keep only xpmffa0 in rotation meanwhile more ppl join often the server.

and as the server is called fragfest Everyday I will organize an event tomorrow to start things up Happy

Wanna avoid seeying mow, skull & co Surprise

Check this peacefull place

eRRor369's picture
Joined: Jul 2007
__)Ali(__ Fragfest EveryDay plusN

"I will organize an event tomorrow"
u mean tomorrow or today :F?

pew pew you're dead

Joined: Aug 2008
__)Ali(__ Fragfest EveryDay plusN
eRRor369 wrote:

"I will organize an event tomorrow"
u mean tomorrow or today :F?

i think he meant later
since he posted in the morning, people always say (tomorrow) but they tend to mean later on