__)Ali(__ Fragfest EveryDay plusN
I am pleased to present my first official q3 dedicated server :
__)Ali(__ Fragfest EveryDay plusN
Its name says it all : it is dedicated for FFA with a large number of players = fragfest.
Config : PlusN
Slots : 32 (2 private)
Callvote : map_restart, nextmap, addbot, kick allbots
Gametype : FFAFraglimit : 200
Timelimit : 10
Warmup : 30Pure : on
Punkbuster : off
xpmffa0 (Link)
We will start with one custom map only so that will attract ppl
Aliminium (only me)
I will need some admins there
2 more servers will come soon.
xpmffa0 (Link)
xpmffa1 (Link)
thewell (Download)
absolute (Link)I will need more maps and counting on ppl's suggestions
I'm open to all constructive suggestions.
right now;
players... 2/30
that's now fragfest
"I will organize an event tomorrow"
u mean tomorrow or today :F?
"I will organize an event tomorrow"
u mean tomorrow or today :F?
i think he meant later
since he posted in the morning, people always say (tomorrow) but they tend to mean later on
server running now
__)Ali(__ Fragfest EveryDay plusN -
Wanna avoid seeying mow, skull & co
Check this peacefull place