[bought] What do you think about this notebook?
may be you put the PSU to some tester , and whoa it looks okay, but it isnt, later when it is assembled with configuration, it start to have unusual behaviour, thanks to your tests
who is loosing his cool now?
pfff, who cares
now back to topic, im not saying what you say is false, i say its not just as accurate as you could say it.
i am not perfect, but to say that it is stupid to have.. i've said bigger PSU, and you catched on that word, it a bit offended me
i don't find necessary to know PSU in details, when i need more information i will google for it
yes, im saying you didn't understand ur own words.
there is to small PSU, fitting and big.
to small causes the pc to go off on load, fitting is what i described and big means having way more then needed.
no! you wrongly interprete my words
without to know my criteria for 'big' , you started to read manuals
so u don't speak english, u speak troll-e?
you are one arrogant bustard. always want to be on top, great, shine, hacker, cheater catcher... god.
everybody makes mistakes. i will speak troll-e language to you when you make one
i am teazing with Hubert about difference of Laptops with Pc's. And you enter citating PSU specifications, and calling my post stupid, Who the fuck are you? prick!
You always tend to show like a great understander. the big deal. well you just make me sick , you don't impress me.