BRO side "invasion"

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Joined: Jan 2004

i am wonder if here will be flaming as it was on bro part some time ago Smug

there is only good choice, wich dosent means its esier :]

S3c|¯3¯|¯ [EN] wrote:

just a tiny question tho...
could you explain the sense of this?

if you want pb/pure on then play it... if not then not... Winking

im think it was explayned 1000times or iven more, but some of u are still blind

Reno's picture
Joined: Sep 2006
GB United Kingdom
BRO side "invasion"

a wise man once said "playing without pb+pure is like taking a shit without wiping" Winking

"Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy." - Benjamin Franklin

Madbringer's picture
Joined: Jan 2006
BRO side "invasion"
ghost wrote:

i am wonder if here will be flaming as it was on bro part some time ago Smug

there is only good choice, wich dosent means its esier :]

It's not like they'll actually take it. Not to offend anyone, but from the pb+pure standpoint E5 is still in the stone age compared to bro. I'm guessing peeps became too used to their lowexplosions, zzzbubbles, custom huds and weapons, custom models. Maybe even some became too used to their wallhacks. Winking

That's the hard truth.

XbODz's picture
Joined: May 2005
BRO side "invasion"
madbringer wrote:

ghost wrote:
i am wonder if here will be flaming as it was on bro part some time ago Smug

there is only good choice, wich dosent means its esier :]

It's not like they'll actually take it. Not to offend anyone, but from the pb+pure standpoint E5 is still in the stone age compared to bro. I'm guessing peeps became too used to their lowexplosions, zzzbubbles, custom huds and weapons, custom models. Maybe even some became too used to their wallhacks. Winking

That's the hard truth.

lol n1, ofc everywars pure and pb but imo impossible to acheive in e5 community

mow Q [EN]
Joined: Nov 2003
BRO side "invasion"

i miss the flame here, so i give a bit fire:

nubs will vote no Happy

Immortal's picture
Joined: Jul 2006
BRO side "invasion"

u guys dont know what r u talking about!

bro cw's are securated?

8/10 cw's on bro are with pure OFF
and 1/10 are even without PB!
9/10 CWs are without refs

only refs choosen by excessive leage moderators can post CWs
and they will write all things about cws.

that is only possible thing that can made us better!

Bro isnt much better than e5
on e5 are pb+pure wars like on bro if ds ko swe hyper drt or other good clan play cw its always pb+pure
u see even on e5 are cws pb+pure when EN plays their cw i see often pure there. X clan does the same thing.

but u cant realize that there are weaker[younger] clans which even dont know if pb is on or off. they need referee on cw.

Referees should be all CLan Leaders.
bcoz CL are often online example iam online 16h/24
and their msns should be posted on forum as referees.

that isnt only for e5 league its for bro too.

Only CW's with refs from list should be Ranked!
no excuses for that

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Skullheadq3's picture
Joined: Dec 2005
DE Germany
BRO side "invasion"
[>.B.<]IMMORTAL wrote:

u guys dont know what r u talking about!

bro cw's are securated?

8/10 cw's on bro are with pure OFF
and 1/10 are even without PB!
9/10 CWs are without refs

pb & pure
double cw no pb or pure
pb & pure
double cw pure and pb
pure & pb
pure & pb
pure & pb
double cw pb & pure
pure & pb
pure & pb
one week with 15 cws and 13 with pb & pure

ref is just needed for official e+ leageu cws, not for common rank cws.
also clans are allowed to force enemy to play with pb

hurrenson: "This idiot is apparently not familiar with a rail/sniper style."

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Skullheadq3's picture
Joined: Dec 2005
DE Germany
BRO side "invasion"
Seth wrote:

The initiative that Gasol shows by trying to get answers for PB + Pure only rankwars is to be admired, not to be thrown down and be wasted.

All posts about how E5 is far from being like bro will not help in any way, why not help instead of stating the obvious, since bro part came through, you already know how to deal with it. Why not help? Or is that to much to ask these days.

my proposal would be that if one of both clans want, then the cw is gonna be played with pure and/or pb and/or ref.

hurrenson: "This idiot is apparently not familiar with a rail/sniper style."

Joined: Jun 2005
BRO side "invasion"

hey, thx bro for answer here BUT ITS FOR E5 CLANS NOT FOR BRO CLANS, if we want make e5 good community first we need get 2 e5 admins, because i see how our admins now not delete nothing

first of all, like seth said its for clan leaders or representatives not for more ppl

i always see now fuc and en play with pure,pb on but i want all others clans play with pb,pure on too

then, first pls moderators you can delete bro ppl posts? second, can e5 clans vote?

and btw i think we need make one rule, new e5 clans(like rkt or znx) can play without pure first wars (if when they enter they have real problems with it)

fuc vote yes for pb and pure

- I apologized my tvl's members and I pleased them to play match vs fuc sunday but they definately disagree ... Dunno why - abarth isnt whole tvl.

Immortal's picture
Joined: Jul 2006
BRO side "invasion"

@ skull in those cw posts u given us are wars with pb only and pure 0.
its sure u know why?
bcoz clans on bro r writing pb on pure on like normal behaviour.
i can post my all cw's with pb and pure so what nobody will prove there wasnt pure on. thats why all cw's should be posted by refs!

Regnir's picture
Joined: May 2007
BRO side "invasion"
S3c|¯3¯|¯ [EN] wrote:

lol and bro shouldnt even try to present themselves as semi-professional... or how many leagues you played with strictauth 1 and guidrelax 0? Winking
oh I forgot... E+ community is 80% full of illegal crackers Big grin

I lolled.

Semi professional? Who is presenting himself as semi-professional here? Or is the concept of enforcing a rule that would ensure wars played for ranking are played in a safe (as safe as you can get on Q3, anyway) environment synonymous with professionalism? It's called "common sense", buddy.

And wtf does strictauth and guidrelax have to do with punkbuster and pure.

If you don't force pb and pure on ranked wars, you'll get more people like that romanian guy who was recently exposed playing freely. Of course, the most common excuse of "they were noobs, they don't know what punkbuster and pure are" will be recycled and said ad nausea.

Oh, and @ Immortal - care to present any proof of what you're saying? Because you're accusing a great deal of people of constantly lying in their war reports. That's not nice.

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Multum lava me ab iniquitate mea.
Et a peccato meo munda me.