Cheater Report Discussion

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Skullheadq3's picture
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Re: Cheater Report Discussion

maybe fala, but for the proof to be complete someone should check if it is enabled if both is existent.

hurrenson: "This idiot is apparently not familiar with a rail/sniper style."

fala.q3's picture
Joined: Jul 2009
Re: Cheater Report Discussion
rUnThEoN?! wrote:

maybe fala, but for the proof to be complete someone should check if it is enabled if both is existent.

the point is, this can't be proven if it was or if it was not

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XTERMY's picture
Joined: Oct 2003
Re: Cheater Report Discussion
POPE * R5QT wrote:

q3fan as i posted b4 and pm, link to appeal to remove ban from your guid on RSQT server

If I were him I wouldn't bother to appeal anything as is his own fault to have the cvar while caught (doesn't matter if coming from warez or not). He just have to change the guid seeing that he doesn't even have an original one.


Are you going to prove that Roxor cheats? I just watched the demo and I can't see wallhack at all. Also, I can't see anything else. Not good that you accuse someone and prove a shit. Next time keep it for yourself if you are not going to bother.

jeffrey's picture
Joined: Aug 2006
NL Netherlands
Re: Cheater Report Discussion
animalchik wrote:

rUnThEoN?! wrote:
maybe fala, but for the proof to be complete someone should check if it is enabled if both is existent.

the point is, this can't be proven if it was or if it was not

it can, i searched google and find the cheat discription for autoshooter v1.2 =>

1) Shooting is automatically disabled for Rocket Launcher,
Grenade Launcher, Plasmagun, and BFG. This is done so you won't
waste ammo and because these weapons aren't instant hit. Other
weapons which I might not know of also ignored.
2) There is a wait delay (s66AS_wait) that works for the
Machinegun, Lightning, and Gaunlet. What it does is instead
of firing and halting it waits (whatever value is) milliseconds
before halting fire and if enemy is not in the crosshair it stops
the firing otherwise it keeps on firing.
3) Other weapons are the Railgun and Shotgun.
4) Simply turn off the auto-shooter by typing s66AS_on 0.
5) *new* Now I made cg_drawcrosshairnames to also display health
and armor if you are viewing your own teammate, this helps a lot
since looking at team status isn't very comfortable all the time.
6) *new* Since I found out how to check what team the player is 
on I have made a new rule to the auto-shooter, so it doesn't shoot
your own teammates.

Rayden was here
georgekotz's picture
Joined: May 2010
GR Greece
Re: Cheater Report Discussion

Short question to the people they know for PB. If this cheat isnt enable PB kicks you or no?

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XTERMY's picture
Joined: Oct 2003
Re: Cheater Report Discussion
Rayden was here wrote:

Short question to the people they know for PB. If this cheat isnt enable PB kicks you or no?

Why do you want to know? Do you want to have it off while playing on PB? Winking

fala.q3's picture
Joined: Jul 2009
Re: Cheater Report Discussion

o man jeff seems to be still tripping xDDD and rayden need to specify the question because i do not get it xDDD

I am addicted to life.

jeffrey's picture
Joined: Aug 2006
NL Netherlands
Re: Cheater Report Discussion

Violation Info Cvar s66AS_on = 1

4) Simply turn off the auto-shooter by typing s66AS_on 0.

Rayden was here
georgekotz's picture
Joined: May 2010
GR Greece
Re: Cheater Report Discussion
XTERMY [EN] wrote:

Rayden was here wrote:
Short question to the people they
know for PB. If this cheat isnt enable PB kicks you or no?

Why do you want to know? Do you want to have it off while playing on PB? Winking

yeaaa coz i want to cheat too Big grin

animalchik wrote:

o man jeff seems to be still tripping xDDD and rayden need to specify the question because i do not get it xDDD

Ok i will explain better myself Happy

Cvar s66AS_on = 1

That means that he have some files in his Quake folder and when he type this command on the console the cheats activated ( Skins model, skin weapons autoshot etc...). Now if pb see he have enable this commands he kick him. If he has the cheat deactivate then he only kick him for md5tool etc... like Tanaka kicked few months ago. So now i see that PB kick you even you have active the cheats or not. PB scans the files on your quake folder and if he see some different files then he kicks you even if its active or deactivate the cheats. Until now all is clear? Big grin

Real life is more important then Virtual life
Dont forget that

EL-D1ABL0's picture
Joined: Jan 2011
Re: Cheater Report Discussion
XTERMY [EN] wrote:


Are you going to prove that Roxor cheats? I just watched the demo and I can't see wallhack at all. Also, I can't see anything else. Not good that you accuse someone and prove a shit. Next time keep it for yourself if you are not going to bother.

ye i think same, 2-3 days ago i tryied to bring skull to a pvt talk with me but...looks like he doesn't got msn/skype/facebook/phone/teamspeak/ no pvt but, here ? what about roxor? do u got TRUE proof ? any true-reasonable explaination? im pretty sure we all here are curious to know something new about this. anyway, this is not only for skull but goes all over the ranking/mod section. Winking