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Hyper*Cookie ia
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Joined: Jul 2005

at least the probability is not very high since we played the fw against ko on pb + pure and dragon could play as well as always.

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WAX's picture
Joined: Jun 2004
Hyper*Cookie ia wrote:

at least the probability is not very high since we played the fw against ko on pb + pure and dragon could play as well as always.

a much more real and usful post imo

ar4xis's picture
Joined: Feb 2006

Wax you can never be sure. You are only able to say that there's a pretty good chance that the person is/isn't a cheater. As for Dragon, he seems fairly respected in E+. Yes it's true that people can change, and as I said earlier you can never be sure. I'm not also sure about the file. If it got there maybe Dragon had cheats. Maybe he downloaded them once, thought better and deleted them and this info file is all that we have left. I'm not really convinced by the "debil" story, but maybe that's only me and it could be possible. If this never happens again i don't think that we have a problem with Dragon Winking

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Arax'KG wrote:

Wax you can never be sure. You are only able to say that there's a pretty good chance that the person is/isn't a cheater. As for Dragon, he seems fairly respected in E+. Yes it's true that people can change, and as I said earlier you can never be sure. I'm not also sure about the file. If it got there maybe Dragon had cheats. Maybe he downloaded them once, thought better and deleted them and this info file is all that we have left. I'm not really convinced by the "debil" story, but maybe that's only me and it could be possible. If this never happens again i don't think that we have a problem with Dragon Winking

Should we be dealing with cheating like this? "He used it once, thought better and deleted - He should be fine".

Ar4xis!, you are new to this community by my understanding, but there has always been a moto here: "Once a Cheater, always a Cheater".

If you say he will be ok, does this mean that, lets say Jessica is OK too? I think not.

I personally dont know about Dragons case..

Does it mean, since I have been here since the beginning of E+, I can use a cheat for a few games, throw away after and nobody cares because I am well respected? In the end, it comes down to respect vs. cheating..

Quite a debatable topic!? Anyone have any opinions? Happy

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Joined: Jul 2005


respect vs. cheating..

Thats a point that realy pissin me off. but thats the way it is.
BUT: i also dont think he was cheating consciously. i was on the server when he got kicked. he reconnected immediately and the first thing he said was: make a screenshot of it or sth like that. i dont know but he behaved realy cool in this situation, not like beeing scared that he was trapped.

btw, i have one question: when i connect to 2!sweet servers (yes i play there again from time to time^^) and i have to download a map... after downloading it i get kicked by pb: bad server command (or sth like that). when i reconnect it worx fine, i never get kicked (of course). so why after downloading a map?

greeetz yeah!

Yeah! schmeckt einmalig und belebt sofort

Renatalis's picture
Joined: Nov 2005

In future I will not read this topic, make me angree and sad and sick. Mixed emotion. If I continue to read this topic I probably live E+, inet gameing for lifetime. So, this is my last reading of this topic... And I must admit that I apreciate You people who can deal with it, and have stomack wich can diagest it... I wish you a luck!

I must quote LETHAL WEAPON movie line: "I am to old for that kind of shit!"

Best regards.

- All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die...

Dragon.'s picture
Joined: Jun 2005

hey this 8 kb file make small problems for u , but big problem for me ,

i never install a cheat in my pc or something,
when i install a cheat. i can delete all, i told you all you will see nothing happend with me,

so wax write here the full story about me , or maybe you wanna that i get problems Thinking .
so is that right , that i am asking you about md5 tool ? firefox was there too.,

i never cheat lol . i am so long in E+ about (8 mounths). i think much ppl believe me .

when you said now you dont believe me , i think you wanna only that i get problems, i can play all time on all server. with the same scores or points ,

this was my problem with pb server, i was the human that asked WAX about this problem, now so much player come here and read this and post some sentence , that is not very nice Crying . last sentence , you all see this problem will not be again. it was unlucky, Crying

parasight [E+]
parasight's picture
Joined: Sep 2004

Nobody caught Dragon with a cheat. Let's keep that in mind. It was an .nfo (which is basically just a file with some nice ascii art and a cheat/warez/demoscene tag, and usually instructions for a cheat/crack/whatever) that may have been related to a cheat but it wasn't a cheat in and of itself. So unless anyone can bring up more proof, this case seems to be closed.

Dragon.'s picture
Joined: Jun 2005

evertime when i was kicked, i had ask the ppl why i kicked?
i wanted make a screenshot, but i cant coz i was out from server,so i reconnect always and asked ppl ,

this time i ask wax can you make a screenshot,
he say: yes i help you i will post. now he post it , Praying

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WAX's picture
Joined: Jun 2004

Dragon please stop trying to make a martyr out of yourself, what I posted is below, it is not accusatory and tells what happened.

EVOL.WAX wrote:

any ideas, not sure if its a cheat or not, dragon did come back after he got kicked to ask what it was, I said I would post to see if anyone knew, so any one ?

But I’m so anti cheating you would not believe it ! and you had some cheat related data on you pc , maybe its old crap form someone else, I can never know. All I know is that I would never been kicked for any trace of stuff like that as it will never be written to my pc. And I can’t help but apply my own standards when dealing with this crap.

Are you a cheater ? I don’t know all you had was some .nfo file, have you cheated in the past ? possibly as you have some cheat related data

The bottom line and I have said it many times, its your quake, its your responsibility.

That said it seems that the kick we are talking about was not for using a cheat but potentially using a cheat. And although I hate cheats I don’t condone mind control to stop people doing so. Thinking