[Closed] E+ unite configs TEST-ing server !?
voted 2nd ... because if there would be something like this (even if i doubt it) then anykind of auto ftp upload => hacking server
well, if u make a poll, keep the options neutral for your own good.
sry A-nub-is I don't understand your sentences on the poll.
i'mean i did have on my country peoples who asked what is this e+, it has many features - show it, well theres no server that holds all configs and represents freedom and features off e+
that server i mean not for ordinary play like on beer, you come you call vote conf you see all list off many configs, you try them,
i vote for 1st section, cause this isnt a server hacking, if server is for test purposes then ok if somedy can hack server true taht cfg - admin will see, hows that possible, cause cfg is already on server (i mean excessiveplus/conf directory only)
hope this isnt too much ;D too read
My servers have about all the latests cfgs present here : http://www.excessiveplus.net/forums/thread/the-weapons-cfg-library
And some servers have them all too.
I could create a test server as I said last time containing test maps + the test cfgs as you asked.
But I guess few ppl are hot to test anything even you server it into a plate.
sry but "i'm not openminded as you, i don't care"
rent a server anubis. Beeing open minded and money usually don't mix.
I have made a server shared for mappers,
they can upload themselves maps
I can do so for cfgs on same server.
but server is down as all my other servers right now cos I have a DNS issue and asked my provider to fix.
stay tuned
provider has changed DNS server. that's more like it
server for map/config testing is here : Excessive+ Map Testing Server
neutral , oke :} il try in a future
sentence ? well i hope i did not did too much errors in translation
idea to have one server to anyone who wishes and makes configs, to try them, and taht everyone will know that server and come o it well say to chow for some friends or newcomers e+ possibilities, cause by defalt e+ install do not hold any plus minus defrag cpm carnage and many not mentioned configs, well say some unknown person want to test his sily or maybe revolutional cfg, he uploads to that server conects loads and plays with notice on forume to invite somebody
without some aproval here or begingnes off server for cfg test..
i'mean i did have on my country peoples who asked what is this e+, it has many features - show it, well theres no server that holds all configs and represents freedom and features off e+
that server i mean not for ordinary play like on beer, you come you call vote conf you see all list off many configs, you try them,
i vote for 1st section, cause this isnt a server hacking, if server is for test purposes then ok if somedy can hack server true taht cfg - admin will see, hows that possible, cause cfg is already on server (i mean excessiveplus/conf directory only)
hope this isnt too much ;D too read
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