Crazy lagometer
I watched your vid. Must note that i am dissapointed from WinMtr, it is buggy. 1500 byte check dosen't work, you may try with default - 64 bytes. With 600 works too.
I noticed your IP so i checked with 'ping' with 1500 bytes and it was OK. But, i noticed when you play Q3 your CPU reach 100% load, it seems it overloads, so that may be the cause for your lags. I am not sure if this could be related to the fact you use 64 bit OS.
It will be interesting if you could try with W7-32bit
It also come in my mind to set Q3 to run in compatible mode:
Actually mine is set to Run As Administrator, and compatibility to Windows Xp SP3 , try it.
Your CPU run 100% when you play Q3.
try this?
I remember reading stuff about ATI cards and q3 running at 100% load on this forum, chances are it's been sorted out by now, maybe try using the search function.
edit: ninja'd
I'm leaning towards an ATI related problem, have a look at the thread troll-e linked above (there's another thread linked there)
You can also use MSI Afterburner to check whether your graphics card is under load or idling when you play the game.
my investigation but seems not actual as a solution with core-i-five cpu
I used the program greengirl suggested(i think it was her)
thats correct
...(latest ones from few weeks ago)......Why? What is wrong with ATI? What is their problem? What is the Catalyst?
better and latest means enemy against current good and verified - that's the way speaking in Russia. Just get it.
you should be fine without CCC, back when I had an HD4850 it worked just fine with only the driver itself.
it's the equivalent of nvidia control panel, brings a few features and obviously a few bugs
The WinMtr worked, at 24:30, I just had to type the IP without the :xxxxx part, same as in CMD.
What do you think will change if I use 32bit Win? The one I am using currently is Win 7 Ultimate 64x, the same one I used for more than a year, and never had problems like this
Edit: Tried the compatibility mode with XP SP3, even though I can't set the "Run as administrator" mode because it is 64bit, no effect. Same lags
"...War brings death... and wounds and pain to both sides... there's nothing harder to accept than the deaths of those you love... so you believe... they could never die... especially those who haven't known war... you try to find meaning in death... but... there's only pain... and hatred... that you don't know what to do with...dying like trash... neverending hatred... pain that never heals... that.. is war..." N.