CRT or TFT for e+?
Dell Trinitron 21' P1110 CRT ftw i currently use that one lol
I would buy a Acer GD245HQ 120Hz TFT, but it was always out of stock. So I bought a LG W2363D and that was a great surprise because it is in fact, after few settings, a better 120Hz LCD than the Acer GD245HQ.
19" crt syncmaster 997mb, all hail syncmaster series! a friend of mine has viewsonic vx2268vm (120hz tft) and another one has the syncmaster 2233rz (120hz tft). Imo it isnt much difference, the only 120hz tft I would go for wich is available at the market today would be benq xl2410t developed by heaton&spawn. I play much cs and it has great brightness, you'll understand if u play cs. Yet I have a brand new crt working great so no need to buy one. (I tend to laugh at lans when my friends cant see people in dark places, that problem wont happen with xl2410t)
same keyboard here mate
I see I urgently need a new crt - my 16.5" is way to old and just does 120hz on 800x600 xD
I see I urgently need a new crt - my 16.5" is way to old and just does 120hz on 800x600 xD
heh thats better than having 60hz ;]
so cool on r_mode 4 my monitor can't support 100 hz (max 85 hz) but on r_mode 6 it easly support 150 hz (omfg), any reason for that?
@ edit now i just set on 175hz wtf?
@ edit 2 now im on 200 xDD
it probably isnt real hz gen, check monitor menu for that
I'm glad that you found it for such a low price. I finally found a decent monitor for not too much money(25 eur). The Compaq P1210 21" with Mitsubishi tube. Arriving tomorrow!
Aaaaaand here is SHE (sorry for the quality..)
On the desk with the Samsung 931C...
And Quakery with LG 32" LCD TV, wery blurrr xD
SP, you just pointed it! I will buy the exact same monitor this weekend (cost @2,5 euro) so soonly I can refly with news. Here are some specifications to check, but 120Hz is just a low profile of the monitor for shure..!(The Dell I currently use can display 120Hz and 150Hz up to 1024x768, for 1280x1024 it produce 'only' 100Hz)
For some new/old experiences I could mention that I started to play using more reflexes.
I can feel the Quakespace more better (even couse I got new mainboard and fps loss totally gone if I jump with BFG for example) to control sens; changing movement speed more precisely; frag-out campers from their spot; better 180°, 360° turn and some other small differences like visibility of map (started to collect map-based-values for fov/sens, modelscale, enemycolors, crosshaircolor etc..), changing wide range of color temperatures and setting gamma levels.
Greets - Beng