if zoo team joins, we will already know the winner, this cup will lose interest, and this is in what it consist: to improve for next opponent, not recruiting best CTF players in a team. No envy, nothing personal, just let's reach some fun.
zoo is incredibly inactive, nowhere near as strong as we used to be. I think other teams will like the challenge. This mod flourished when there were the likes of KO and SWE around that people aspired to be part of

go e5r
hell yeah +1
me need rockets xD

every zoo player could create a team with 4 players and do your own team and prepare for matches
Which every ZOO player? Currently that's me, Tyr, Ska and Warner .
EU in (Kmp,Jabs,Jeff,Crazy,Noshit,kant,mische,abed,nat,ge)
Yeah we need some fun here, let's do it.
I'm up to play with any team/clan in need of players
Me too, but first i need a link to dl q3 back help
Man, was just an idea, bcuz the zoo of 50 members list came to my mind xD, but if u re few u can do zoo team np.Welcome aboard EU