CW R2 vs Mi3? when?
sow we can play ore not. we want,
what the fuck?!
We are not bananned and don't care about ranking and postitions, we just wanna play in cups for fun and experience.
So we wanna play today. Do you want?
so we play today 20:30 cest
we will .play. 20.30 today. see you
Nice. Do you have ref?
Ofcourse this cw will be valid for cup.
U can play it on 2.1 or 2.2a I don't see any bugs that could prevent this from beeing ranked but skullhead has his own idea about the whole thing. Too bad he doesn't share his wisdom and describe in simple words
what's the problem with 2.2a ? I don't really see any major bugs that could fuck up the cw :E but he is the rank mod So propably this cw won't be ranked. I don't even dare to start the discussion
Hej, do u find ref guys? No answer at sb.
And roso make me LUUULLZ
Ashyxland doesn't work correct. Let's go to mi3 war.