e6.cfg v2.0 - a change for the excessive side?
For some time now I was thinking about tweaking the e6.cfg. But probably like many cfg makers I was looking for E+ 1.04
Well now the edawn.cfg of foksie greatly inspired me! Plus watching the campshots eh screenshots of the e5r tdm cup... that made me wanting to do something So I just pushed myself into some tweak work today.
The new e6beta is here! You can actually test it here:
vote what you want^^
The old cfg can be found in my sig and on the servers as well (so you can compare).
Main tweaks actually:
- - added items (health and armor)
- tweaked items
- tweaked health system
- added armor on start (see the edawn topic for some discussion about that

- added some strong anticamp! (not for ctf ofc)
- removed? spam ability of nades for tdm/tag and reduced for ctf
- reduced spam ability of bfg
- lowered mg spread (more accuracy and less power loss over distance)
- excessive like rail again... just slightly tweaked
So Im looking for the opinion and input of every e6 fanboy. But also of e5 and e5r players!... because e5 and e5r.cfg also are in huge need for some anticamp and antispam settings. Imo TDM on any map with rooms is unplayable at the moment.

Id be glad if the 3 excessive cfgs keep having the same settings for Anticamp, Items, Health, Armor, Nades and BFG.

seeing as the original e6 config is similar to the Retro! servers config, is it possible to make the rail like that? i.e. the switch time and power of it.
going to go test the config now...
you mentioned problem with flags?
you need to change all flag drop times to same time:
team_CTF_redflag: 14;
team_CTF_blueflag: 14;
team_CTF_neutralflag: 14;
if one flag has different time, all flags get the time set to 0 and return on death. you probably forgot to change the time of the team_CTF_neutralflag
Haven't played CTF yet but TDM is definitely better.
The idea with the Armor is just great.
Weapons are still too strong imo.
i would suggest to add higher reload times to the railgun (like in e6) cause it 100 hp damage on unarmored targets.
i think the lightning gun is to powerful 'splash damage'
i remade the LG settings like this
[code:1] }
Lightning Gun {
Damage: 68
Splash Damage: 15
Style: 0;
style 0 shows no splash damage
style 1 shows splash damage
how ever this is what i think is better for the lightning gun
about the MG because it now has lower spread mean a bit more accuracy so more powerful and i dont think its the idear of MG spamming everything you see because its ( a/the ) strong(est) weapon
Machinegun {
Damage: 32;
Spread: 158;
hope i helped you a bit pls talk about it because this can become a problem
seems ok to me... i cant really suggest much. unfortunately i dont have dev.cfg, and i don't know if it would work outside 1.04dev
if the anticamp settings are strong, it kind of nullifies the tactic of the gauntlet kill via awaiting a slide/end of teleport making it totally redundant in non ctf games. maybe a weight decrease might make it interesting?
as for the splash damage of the lg maybe that should be turned down... but the style and knockback is useful (especially in space maps and for people who use it to climb other walls)
better acc for mg is good, but i agree with jeff, i think it is too strong, even at close range it is strong. higher cycle, lower damage along with the lower spread might be something to try? so that someone with sg has advantage at closer range
it looks great 4 me..
I do like limited BFG an the anticamp...theres nothing more annoying than opponet stadning in small room spamming bfg at doors
A bit increased lg damage with reduced splash is good thing too...same as plus style lg (no smoke)..on unpure servers low_explosion h4x users lost their main advantage
you maybe got the dev.cfg so I can check the rail settings?
thx, works
!!newest e6 (E+1.04)!!

e6 (E+1.03)