Excessive Plus pickup games! (status: DEAD)
its 1:20 here in germany actually :f
u cant look on activity from 23:++ nap
episode 2
[16:17] ->> You joined channel #e+pickup
[16:17] --Q-- [#e+pickup] Welcome ² #e+pickup :: For more info please visit us at http://pickup.excessiveplus.net ::
[16:17] ->> Channel Modes are: +tnC
[16:17] ->> Channel created on 14/06/2007 14:36:26
[16:18] * {Oo} sets mode +v Shady_Artizzle for #e+pickup
[16:18] * SteelRat|away is now known as TheSteelRat
[16:18] ->> You are now known as shady|AK
[16:25] <artizzle> blady suce
[16:25] <artizzle> echobot suce
[16:25] <artizzle> f8 suce
[16:25] <artizzle> flex suce
[16:25] <artizzle> tranzez0r suce
[16:25] <artizzle> oo suce
[16:25] <artizzle> oska suce
[16:25] <artizzle> adi suce
[16:26] <artizzle> base suce
[16:26] <artizzle> drill suce
[16:26] <artizzle> tyr suce
[16:26] <artizzle> e|pickup suce
[16:26] <artizzle> korg suce
[16:26] <artizzle> pla suce
[16:26] <artizzle> shady|AK suce
[16:26] <artizzle> shell suce
[16:26] <artizzle> skulli suce
[16:26] * Q sets mode +o Skullhead for #e+pickup
[16:26] * Skullhead (~Skull@Vef40.v.pppool.de) Quit ( Registered )
[16:26] * Skullhead (~Skull@Skullhead.users.quakenet.org) has joined #e+pickup
[16:26] * #e+pickup sets mode +ov Skullhead Skullhead for #e+pickup
[16:26] <artizzle> stikkan suce
[16:26] * artizzle|away (~a_kuzh@AC8E85AB.ipt.aol.com) has left #e+pickup
[16:26] <Skullhead> crao
[16:27] <Skullhead> crap
[16:28] <shady> haha skull wanks in the shower
push it live!
great games
(13:51:49) * idk_shower has joined #e+pickup
(13:51:50) * Oo sets mode: +v idk_shower
(13:57:34) * idk_shower is now known as idk_afk
(14:01:22) * +idk_afk Quit (Signed off)
its great idea. ive been playing counter-strike for 4 years and there that kind of game was called 'mix'.
Due to a prolonged period of inactivity I have decided to put this project to sleep. Thanks to all who supported this idea in any way possible.