*FFF*servers acting on a new cfg :)
Hello, since 1 week now, the servers have their own fff cfg plus1.03 like with the benefits of RC1A !
FFF team has the pleasure to present the AdivinesA.cfg 1.2!
And yet, all the players from *FFF*FRAG'LOUNGE* (ffa DM17)
and*FFF*FREEZ'-My-NUTs*(freeze TAG) are satisfied!
You are welcome on our servers and if you have any suggestions its here!
Have Fun !
and of course, if an admin wants cfg they contacted us on http://www.adivines.com
AdivinesA.cfg is now updated to 1.3 version to increase it "insta-spirit" ^^
why does the config has powerups? They are actually poinltess in ur config, since they protect actually nearly nothing.
they prolly work like red armor in plus.cfg, needed to pick up if u are a bit lower on health and need equal chances
New cfg is up 1.32 and INSTARAIL is now BACK for real !
We keep all items for protect against all weapons except the railgun .
we have new english forum for talk about this cfg here
My streams : www.twitch.tv/lanf3ust
My facebook : Lanf3ust ' s team