®FFT: ANK 2:1 DA/ 16.02.09

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Beast_Cro's picture
Joined: Jul 2007
FFT: ANK 2:1 DA/ 16.02.09

Seems like little more work is required to wave the score to our side Happy


Shame about the server trouble (maybe if the server was ok, then would be no problem to put 2 more slots)

The chase is better than the catch!

.DA| Clan | CRO Team

Beer freezer server map rotation + download links:

skinnis's picture
Joined: Jan 2006
FFT: ANK 2:1 DA/ 16.02.09


Sudden death on Overkill was a killer! Really good fun.

I will not try to escape the fact that it was my responsability to check all server settings,i missed to check the map splashscreen for pure 3 times!!
Although it would have been useful to have all cup settings enabled as ref cmd's,which wasn't the fact on that server. I thought since PB was enabled already when i arrived to the server pure was aswell;as someone once said"PB without PURE is like taking a dump without toiletpaper" or smth like that.
I'm sorry /sv_pure 0 my bad,don't kill me please. I feel really bad about this.


madbringer wrote:

How 'bout you 'bicker' off back to your sandbox, someone is pissing in your little plastic bucket.

Unreal's picture
Joined: Dec 2005
PL Poland
FFT: ANK 2:1 DA/ 16.02.09

cant believe mako's luck in this game, gG

RONiN wrote:

stage 1) i am in denial that girls exist on the internet, i think everyone is a guy
stage 2) i am in denial that everyone is real, i think you are all advanced bots
stage 3) i am in denial that the world is real, i think i am plugged into a machine
stage 4) i am in denial that machines actually exist, i think this is just one big dream
stage 5) i am in denial that i am capable of dreaming, i think my existence is fake
*poof* everything disappears.

no trickz in my signature anymore

tyfon's picture
Joined: Mar 2005
SE Sweden
FFT: ANK 2:1 DA/ 16.02.09

Ah the last rail there before time ran out Big grin


Killer0074's picture
Joined: Mar 2006
FFT: ANK 2:1 DA/ 16.02.09

alalalala DA... you become so insane since i trained you Big grin


Site administrator
Skullheadq3's picture
Joined: Dec 2005
DE Germany
FFT: ANK 2:1 DA/ 16.02.09

no wonder ank won, 5 da's intruded into ank and knew all the teamwork of da while fighting

hurrenson: "This idiot is apparently not familiar with a rail/sniper style."

Forum moderator
Zack's picture
Joined: Sep 2003
FFT: ANK 2:1 DA/ 16.02.09
rUnThEoN?! wrote:

no wonder ank won, 5 da's intruded into ank and knew all the teamwork of da while fighting

dunno wat u mean by that but i can honestly tell u the DA that played today is a totally different DA from when i was in the clan. ( much better if u ask me ) your time will come too skull Happy

gg's DA was v nice war sure hell wasn't easy, Look forward to playing against u in future .
an gg's aNk Cool

HAZO's picture
Joined: Sep 2007
RU Russian Federation
FFT: ANK 2:1 DA/ 16.02.09

gg DA, was very close Sad and ofc gg ANK, nice war and torz N1 on overkill 1st 2 mins

FFT: ANK 2:1 DA/ 16.02.09

gg;] very nice ANK, was rly great and close match:D i hope, that most of matches would looks like this one Winking again gg, next time we gonna get ya Big grin
and we woke up too late on dm11 and dm6;/ shit we need to more training Happy but rly gg

Joined: Aug 2006
FFT: ANK 2:1 DA/ 16.02.09

well played anK & DA!!!! i'm gonna watch the demo @ work during break.