®FFT: ANK 2:1 DA/ 16.02.09
Bien joué les mecs !
well done guys, I'm sad 'cause i haven't been there but whatever, we won so I won't feel guilty
no wonder ank won, 5 da's intruded into ank and knew all the teamwork of da while fighting
Just OMG, I won't flame but no one ever told us how is DA is playing, we just played as we are used to...

cant believe mako's luck in this game, gG
oh oh unreal dont whine

no wonder ank won, 5 da's intruded into ank and knew all the teamwork of da while fightingdunno wat u mean by that but i can honestly tell u the DA that played today is a totally different DA from when i was in the clan. ( much better if u ask me ) your time will come too skull
gg's DA was v nice war sure hell wasn't easy, Look forward to playing against u in future .
an gg's aNk
Dont talk shit skull Like Zack said, it's completely different now.
Why does every post having anything to do with ANK have to end up a shit-slinging contest?

cant believe mako's luck in this game, gG
oh oh unreal dont whine
i just cant believe, spawning about 10 times behind me, or living after my bfg and rocket is little wierd anyway it wasnt gg from my side but gG both

Why does every post having anything to do with ANK have to end up a shit-slinging contest?
You're wrong. It does not.
GG Both
Nice teamwork ank
GG Teams
Ps Torz in ank Oo what is his nick :
aNk'Terrible McRusty of Whineland :-({|=
anyone have an incredibly silky smooth config to share (800x600 @ crt) please? i clearly shoot bitches left and right on my screen but they just don't get hit :roll: i know i don't play as good as i used to but i also know when people should go down...
regardless, gg da, can't say it wasn't exciting!
lal skull XD we all love u ;*
we have rly nice squad right now... its hard to play vs trance, mako, rage, torzelan and more... we need to train more... but its rly good imo