®FFT: ANK 2:1 DA/ 16.02.09

no wonder ank won, 5 da's intruded into ank and knew all the teamwork of da while fightingOh, puhlease... Stop digging yourself a deeper grave. First of all, DA has changed alot from what it used to be, including tactics. Just because you dislike shady doesn't mean you need to fuck around making stupid reasons for why they ''suck'', geez..
u dont get the joke, dont u?
Also, go ahead and say it to everyone else commenting it. Maybe I was the only one, but I didn't discover any tracks of irony in your comment.
ehm dood, u rly think what i said could be real or my real oppinion?
i thought i overdrove it enough to make it unreal, also killers post was before my one.
dont say my name im not your friend
killer is alive! ='[

no wonder ank won, 5 da's intruded into ank and knew all the teamwork of da while fightingdunno wat u mean by that but i can honestly tell u the DA that played today is a totally different DA from when i was in the clan. ( much better if u ask me ) your time will come too skull
You bitch! But you already've been in SOUL so you know all OUR teamwork

M@ti wrote:GG Teams
Ps Torz in ank Oo what is his nick:
We just have an oldschool CPMA player. Lots of those around E+ lately innit?
Yes, this guy is oldschool CPMA player that trance found on #CPMA.pickup and his nick is "shoottorz" so we call him torz for short. The real torzelan is currently on holiday on the moon and wont be back till august :salute:
yee and im a girl :roll:
M@ti wrote:GG Teams
Ps Torz in ank Oo what is his nick:
We just have an oldschool CPMA player. Lots of those around E+ lately innit?
Yes, this guy is oldschool CPMA player that trance found on #CPMA.pickup and his nick is "shoottorz" so we call him torz for short. The real torzelan is currently on holiday on the moon and wont be back till august :salute:
yee and im a girl :roll:
Tell us something new.

M@ti wrote:wrote:
M@ti wrote:GG Teams
Ps Torz in ank Oo what is his nick:
We just have an oldschool CPMA player. Lots of those around E+ lately innit?
Yes, this guy is oldschool CPMA player that trance found on #CPMA.pickup and his nick is "shoottorz" so we call him torz for short. The real torzelan is currently on holiday on the moon and wont be back till august :salute:
yee and im a girl :roll:
Tell us something new.
we finally had enough of phil and we send him to sweet soul nao and for all eternity
skull ur supposed to be a ranking assistant or whatever. why dont you rank this shit and lock it, rather than posting a comment is asking for trouble..

skull ur supposed to be a ranking assistant or whatever. why dont you rank this shit and lock it, rather than posting a comment is asking for trouble..
2 things:
1: u should have recognised my post i same bs as shady (just as example, focus on the bs) could have posted anywhere.
2: pure was off.
Em, we can use that 'get out of pure off free' pass, right?