®Final RailOnly League vol.1 /// ultima 3 : 0 Skullhead
.:: 1st (skull map) ztntourney1: 29-20 for ultima
.:: 2nd (ultima map) q3dm17: 68-46 for ultima
.:: 3rd (skull map) q3dm3: 54-41 for ultima
GG :] long waiting final
Demos: gg
GGz there
GG Congraz Ulti
gg Paczus
gg all, ill update table and standings when ill got back to home tomorrow
N1 ulti
with fixed connection u own
About the game: GG ultima, well done and well deserved win at this time.
I didn't really expect to put a good fight and it went like expected, anyways, it was better to have this game done bad then to have any more waiting delay (and honestly ultima, either you fix your net, or you please don't apply to any cup for now. It is unacceptable that you just want/can play in the morning while all other gamers play in the evening.)
About the cup, the cup was over for me the moment I won triv - which would have been the final if I didn't told trickz to make a looser bracket too so people wont be thrown out by just one bad game (hillarious is that its been me who had a final loose due to one bad game hahaha).
But thats not the point.
The point is, the skill needed to win in this cup was highest as games were every week and instantly dropped to "garbage waiting skill" as soon as there were delays - which was for me since 22. August 2010, ~4 month ago, on my last game vs triv which also was before I stopped playing e+ on regular base. Official its the final, Inofficial this game is for me nothing else then an needed ending, you can't skip it.
That doesn't mean Ultima didn't show a lot of skill
gg skull
wow...gOod G4me..... omg Ultima with a ping from 52-53ms.....or u had timenudge -100
anyway long time____ but finished the League V.1...