Going Beyond What is Acceptable in Quake 3

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Joined: Jan 2004
Going Beyond What is Acceptable in Quake 3

if players ben have the same color of surface, this be worst campers mod ever relases, that is CS and why i hate it, pople are hiding in corners and shot to u when u do not see them, awww skils ?

turnament servers are runing always in pure bycose if pure is not enabled u can do so meny modyfications in yors clients side of game to get adventage, iven u can remove textures (walhack)

ahh about that article starles, there is a lots of knowledge

and i dont like playing ageinst players that using negative timenudge, bycose i dont know exacly where they are, somtime i see players that arivie from nowhere, and shot u fater that u realize that someone is in yors locations.

last days i sufer big lag compensation, moust of time i have ping 50 and i move prety fast, then i die after i hide under corner or iven do not walk over the corner, pising me of that thig all the time

i think that all server should be runing at sv_fps 40, think that with that fps is a bit beter