How to bring back competion to E+.
Let me start from being very nice
Nowadays we have not much clans left on E+
E5 is dead (I know some will hate me now because of that, but it's true, face it).
So we have now PLUS, divided to plusN.cfg and plusC.cfg
Which one is better ? Hard to say, depends on who you gonna ask,
but this is not my point.
Somewhere, far away we see RAILONLY coming, but will it actualy ever come to this mod?
Seems like RAILONLY is to noobish for everyone, BIG guys play more 'advanced' plus side only.
So, we have many, many, many configs, and u think this is dividing this community ?
I think NOT, imo what is really dividing this community is STATISTICS.
Show me 1 clan that doesn't play nowadays for ranking statistics !
(and we don't even have official ranking ladder yet :E only temprank KURWA).
Why is this dividing community ?
Well, It's been some time that I'm around here and I have never seen weaker clan
asking better clan for CW.
Why ? Because weaker clan will lose vs better clan, so no reason to play ?
FW ? sure why not let's play FW
every one likes to play FW vs better clan,
good for training skillz + teamwork too.
But better clans don't want to play vs worse clans anymore xD
Why ? Well playing vs weaker clans will make your skillz go down, didn't u know ?
What is my point ?
What is your freeking point ?
Why are u creating clans ?
Why are you here ?
To have fun ? What do u mean by fun ?
Winning ? Do u must only win to have fun ?
Losing is so bad, that we all are avoiding it.
So we are avoiding playing better clans
But this is all about ranking ! so how can we go higher in ranking ladder ?
Winning vs better clans gives more points, but we could lose
... so better don't take the risk and play vs weaker clans, or don't play at all.
Sorry but this will lead to one:
soon we gonna have 4 good clans and... nothing... 4 good clans and some 3 weaker... inactive.
Who will gonna play then ? Only those 4 clans vs eachother, untill they will get bored
And those 4 good clans will have 20 members each...
Well I don't see any fun lately around here,
Statistics only.
What is it with u ?
I could give names of all clans that are like that now.
But won't do it xD
What is so bad in loosing ?
Right now we have 3 leading clans, 5 mid skilled, rest is either inactive or low skilled.
And u still wanna be THE BEST CLAN ON E+
It's not so cool when only couple clans left to warship you.
I JUST LOVE SENTENCE "we are not ready for CW vs your clan"
what do you mean by that ? Is it:
- our clan is 5 years old, we don't have enough skillz + bad teamplay,
- we are affraid, our best 2 players are inactive, so we wait for them to come back
I can say it now, finally, I'm leader of top 3 clan.
WOOOOOOOHOOOOOO I feeeeeel so powerfull around here.
pfffff I just wanna have good fun, sure I care about statistics,
but I'm not affraid to play vs MR. and lose and lose and lose and
go down in ladder.
We trained hard to be where we are now,
we looked for good players to join us, what is rest clans doing ?
Waiting for miracle happen, playing from time to time some fw.
I can find myself in there, at least for a little part. Anyway zombie leaders have talked about it and we decided to change the tape. Only one word: BANZAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!
Yes agree we need RANKING and official LEAGUE TDM AND TAG. And we can for start make some PROTECT THE LEADER CHAMIONS for more fun with other gametype.
Am I the only one who can't tell the big difference between all the plusN/C w/e configs?
I dont have to win to have fun, there are allways lil speacial moments on public, on fws or on internal training with my mates, thats what makes this game still awesome for me and thats why im still arround here.
btw: omg how awesome is this: <-- a sushi-smieley!!
i dont see your point
statistics are very cool and if you dont want to lose points u just play fw oO
statistics make competition and are very good for a game, imo
Yes, the problem is interesting. But who is to blame? Official ratings are conducted only by 3-4 config. The rest remained behind. Even if these configs are more popular among the players - the number of players. What happens then - if the clan was formed with this configuration - what they do? This configuration is not officially listed - as a result of clan splits or forced to go to official configs, or otherwise play fw cw - they can not. As a result, they are 3-4 config, and all development E + stops. For example - sod - he was officially established in E + a few years ago - and what do we have? All the clans with which it is formed now playing exclusively on rail config. Everything fell apart. I think that having an Official rating only on those 3-4 config is not correct. This leads to a deadlock.It is necessary to change the rating system itself. It is necessary to change the rating system itself. Q3, and so dies with each passing month, and if not give it to evolve - will die eventually.
On the reluctance to play a strong clan with weak, not to spoil his statistics - this is nonsense full - then remove it altogether from Skillz statistics. And who will play. This situation reminds me of a similar here in Russia - when in 70-80 years of our chess players beat everyone in the world - they are not left to play with anyone. And they did a grid - they stopped to play with players less skilled than they are:) As a result, they left all of the tournaments in the world. And was created entirely by another international league but without these champions:)
I play just play sometimes on public servers so iam not bored by this game like many active players here. This game is more than 10 years old so dying of this comunity is logical step in gaming evolution.
If you want to save this mod and comunity you have to make a modification for qlive. Cos ql is simply newer.
the future is to be bananed.
lol, show me one clan that does play for ranking statistics
e+ is already dying almost as long as it had its high times (existing since 8 years, dying since 3).
the point i have and already tried to explain but failed is:
the game is old, people get old with the game, leave for some reasons etc. fresh flesh is missing cuz not much people will dl or buy q3 and start playing it nowadays when they have other newer games that seem more interesting. most gamers wont actually take q3 as a serious alternative, except mb they have older friends, or are hardcoregamers, whatever. the forum age quotient is pretty high (24?) dont u think?
in fact it doesnt matter for us. because the people who have fun playing the game will still have fun if theres only 1 server left to play on (my bets on beer.freeze <3 ). so like some said: it is pointless to state e+ is dying. but it isnt to think of possible alternatives. i know my alternative isnt very well thought, convert e+ to ql, its more like a dream. but it should be sth like that: create sth similar to e+ (or transfer it, however you want to call it) on a platform thats more attractive to fresh players. this is only one idea, there might be better ones.
of course, just playing this game till its dead (dying speed implicates a long time till its completely gone) is a good option as well. you just will have to accept that this mod will die with this, pretty closed, community, which is completely, 100%, ok.
![mow Q [EN] mow Q [EN]](/files/screenname/8646b528fbbe1090dc61e0f29405d1b3.webp)
..... Dev team is doing already enough. And aboutsod, the sod in e+ was never real sod and never feeled like real sod
and will never feel like real sod. I......
What about the players and clans in the sod - 1,5-2 years ago was about 7-8 clans and 60 players in the sod. I think this may be a real force ?) just that you were not aware of. And it does not mean that we can not create for yourself:) Just here is the settled community configs - ala-rail, which does not recognize anything that does not fit into this concept:) So I say - this position does not lead to the development. The conversation began just about a recession in e + - here's the reason.
As for dying q3 - I watch all of 1998. When was still Q2. First, 2 was excitement at Q3, then in 2001 the number of servers around the world began to shrink and it continues today. It appears too many other games. And with them q3 can not compete is not in the schedule or in the strategy. Well, there remained only the software which powers 3D. But he has already beaten the latest developments in 3d. So q3 die and the speed of this big enough - the whole issue of ID software - when they decide to disable support for this old game for all users. After all, it happens - support the game they can not make a profit. And I think if the number of servers q3 reduced to a certain number - they just say - place your server support - and we stop