im leaving this place

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telox's picture
Joined: Jul 2005
im leaving this place

IMO there can be no real democracy on this forum as long as trashcan stays View Only. There should also be no locked topics by people who didn't get involved in the first place, only by the guy who started a topic. If you through something in the trashcan that is spam, np, good, clean the forum, but always having the last word is not democratic, it's even kind of annoying, so view only for the trashcan gets my F2 IMO. History View Only is pritty much a must and a strategic thing to do, so F1 from me, IMO..

Don't be afraid for people to let their anger out in the flame topics, as long as there is no abusive language involved, it's democracy, democracy = opinions = endless dicussions IMO.

If you can't live with the idea of not locking a flame topic, then IMO a good idea would be to have more people who can descide whether a topic gets locked or not (just for important flame topics not for some spam...). If there will be at least for example 20 people who will vote for you to be in the group of opinion givers, then you take that place and represent that group of 20 people.
This way almost everyone can be represented and will have no feeling that only people who know mods get extra attention.

PS: i'm not saying that mods represent only people they know, but i'm only talking about that feeling.

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Joined: Dec 2006
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Actually - I kinda disagree with u dak. Mods are imo doing really ok, Im not saying it not couse they are my firends or sth - in contrary - for example I really dislike Madbringer but still I think he is a good mod (despite that at the beginig of his career I had doubts). And when it comes to Rena whom u defend - cmon - current mods at least dont make drama shows, and they dont write shortstories bout men in orange hats (or orange whatever)

And to be honest - I like also the idea of equilibrum (to make things stright - I also dont really like him Winking ) : put into trashcan but dont lock. However I can live without that.





Leukothea's picture
Joined: Feb 2006
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I dont even bother reading rena anymore Thinking

Sug min fitta.
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FIREFOX's picture
Joined: Jul 2004
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IF you are such an extraordinary person (Your words), and intelligent (your words, inpast) why did you launch a racist attack on Purgatory and Crow (Turkish), and name yourself White power and Necro Negro(letters in black) and HorseKum and insult people constantly on servers saying they play like kum etc etc and call me a bitch over and over again?
In my opinion you have not shown yourself as the Uber intelligent extraordinary person you CLAIM to be, you have just made yourself look like any other idiot with a severe personality complex.
If you think your going to be missed, think again :roll:
But its funny that you will still play on servers, but with a fake name. That will be fine if you dont become inflamatory and keep yourself to yourself and keep that foul mouth shut tight.
I am sure you were expecting me to comment on your post, and I supose it will give you something to post again about, I am glad I havent dissapointed you :roll:
Your post inmo is just for attention, or to test the water, well you have got it, gratz :roll:
You are nothing extraordinary
You are just crazy, and I Can only go ur posts and your nastyness on servers, you were once nice, thats why you came to 2!S.

Actually Yes, you are an extraordinary person Laughing
Fire away guys, I am waiting no doubt there will be a lot of flak coming my way, give it your best.

Scarstruck's picture
Joined: Aug 2005
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@ shouldn't really edit ppls posts...either delete only if they are very have no purpose etc or contain inaproppriate material in. other than that. ppl should be able to say what they like here, if its a valid point of view about something.

edit - ok i didn't really read the all the other posts when i wrote that above. i have no probs with any of the mods, just saying like i'm sure you already do, not to delete stuff, unless its like really necessary.

dakarin your a good player, shame you feel his way.

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Leukothea's picture
Joined: Feb 2006
im leaving this place
FIREFOX wrote:

you were once nice, thats why you came to 2!S.

Yes, i had to quote that. It maybe doesnt concern much this thread but.. im lost here when it comes to Dakarin.. i mean, wtf?!

I know you have your GO at the world, but you picked a bad place for your individualism.

You can express yourself in any way, you can take a shit on the middle of the road and call it art, i dont care as long as you dont molest me with that.

Since you started this SiN team/clan whatever, you came to servers to call other ppl names that havent done anything to you, or spoken to you.

If you consider this forum idiotic, no one is keeping you here. Its true this mod isnt what it used to be (from what i read and hell what do i know), but some ppl are still trying.

If someone still keeps the will to try (like Mow) he will stay, regardless of all the idiots.

When you feel irritated you simply ignore them, or laugh at them.. and if you arent bothered to do that, you are a very sad person.

Continue your caveman discussion.

Sug min fitta.
Join irc channels: #2!Sweet | #m0ve | #e+pickup

mow Q [EN]
Joined: Nov 2003
im leaving this place

equi, is it democratic to insult? at least in germany it is against human rights.

Insulting is for me not that people to heated discussions.

(like it is for rena; smo: "hi rena, ur oppinion is really strange", rena: "bah, who are you to attack me, i was a platoonleader, so, wtf are u doing?" (attention!: This example is exaggerated))

Insulting is for me, hurting people with personal attacks. Smo people dont care about such attacks, others take it serios, and it is not up to the attacker, if it is hurting, or if the attacked dotn care. The victim makes the final decission.

And insulting is like i said, against the human rights, at least in germany. If people cant discuss without insulting, they can go to hell, they have nothing to search in a community.

And in this relation, it think mods make a great job with moving threads and lock it. Also renas posts, which are lately really insultiv, also mine posts, also everyones posts, which became insultiv.

The victims have to be protected, and not the wannabe extraordanerys. (If it is about human rights, human rights > freedom of speech)

XbODz's picture
Joined: May 2005
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pretty big noise for nothing. It's funny all these guys that say fuck off to everything, insulting mods and top posters that make this community running properly; and then they say good bye, but hell i 'm not stoping playing i'll stay around Happy. I had many arguments some long time ago with top posters, well nobody's dead. You dont need to use rude words, just your lack of arguments make you frustrated and you think nobody can understand you, that's why you finally call you "extraordinary guy" lmao Happy
I have nothing personnal against you, but sounds pretty arrogant to me.

GreekPecker's picture
Joined: Feb 2006
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HELLA wrote:

ok i didn't really read the all the other posts when i wrote that above.


Exaaaaaaaaaaactly what's wrong with these forums. Few people actually "read" what's going on. Most read the one-liners only and then act like they know wtf is going on. Conclusion: I don't even bother trying anymore. Even that very small thing arguing with such people does to my nerves, it's not worth it, really.

It is painfully obvious to me that people who claim the mods are "tight" haven't been in other communities. One rule broken, one warning. Second time, you are out.-

Concerning dak, he "turned" pretty suddenly so it's very possible something nasty happened in his life.

ps1: @hella, i didn't quote you for something personal (that's why the "---") is there

ps2: Not locking threads moved to trashcan (except if they really get out of hand) is an idea if people actually have a problem with threads moving there too fast or with a weak reason

ps3: Noname mods is a good idea too, i saw on other communities. "E+mod1, E+mod2, E+mod3 etc). But it's a tiny community and it would lame to "shuffle" the cards now

Renatalis's picture
Joined: Nov 2005
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4 people dimension my name in this tread.
7 times my name is dimensioned.
Some people use it several times in their posts.

Any topic which is about E+ life have in it my name. I don't think that is normal. Anyway, anyhow any topic goes in wrong way and of topic way about me ? Who is hell is me ? What I have with this topic for example.

It is like in newspapers. Some journalists dimension someone public person name in bad context. When some bad statements about one person which aren't with solid foundations spoken in public after while people gain bad image about that person. That person have to deny that infos with arguments, but still damage about his reputation remain. In real life only he can do is suing in court of law.... But damage still remain.

Same people always stick with my name in topics. Of course healthy way is keep with topics thematics and not discuss on personal levels...

And when I replay in those topics to protect my personality, all goes to flame... Then every topic which is about some serious matter become topic about me... That is ridiculous.

Sorry for posting of topic, but I must simply replay because of dimensioning my name several times. Also this is statement and if I post anything else in this topic will be with topic not replica or of topic.

- All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die...