L3 :: SWE 2:0 PHC/29.10.2006/RANKED
DM17 mot er måste ge folk kalla kårar =/
Ska bli kul att se hur ni tacklar Citronerna och KO.
where the fuck u got 4other swes torz?
btw ratz that doesnt count look pings
gg both clans - PHC rocks, but SWE is simply on a different level...
By the deduction method I have calculated that the cw was played on a US server (dont ask me how I did it, I will not share this magically secret information)
Oh and 2nd cw - Lil has a ping of 108, while Budman has 45... :-\
that seems kinda... weird to me... ?
GG :roll:
GG PHC , Nice Score SWE ; )
demos and logfile:
:: Q3DM7 ::
Name Kll Dth Su TIME FPH Eff K-D PTS
---------------------------------------- ----- ------ ------
*HARD.SWE* 90 48 0 18:00 300 65.4 42 88
*ZENUS.SWE* 91 53 0 18:00 303 63.3 38 87
*TORZELAN.SWE* 89 47 0 18:00 296 65.0 42 85
PHC.JOEYB 67 69 0 18:00 223 47.1 -2 63
*VOBB.SWE* 64 45 0 18:00 213 61.0 19 56
*SAINT.SWE* 56 49 0 18:01 186 53.9 7 50
PHC.BIOHAZARD 51 68 0 17:56 170 41.6 -17 45
PHC.ROKKS 43 81 0 18:00 143 34.9 -38 41
PHC.LIL*BUDMAN 40 84 0 17:58 133 32.4 -44 36
PHC.DOCTOR 39 86 0 16:33 141 31.2 -47 35
:: Q3DM17 ::
Name Kll Dth Su TIME FPH Eff K-D PTS
---------------------------------------- ----- ------ ------
*TORZELAN.SWE* 183 107 2 20:01 548 62.2 76 179
*HARD.SWE* 183 103 5 20:01 548 63.9 80 166
*ZENUS.SWE* 145 82 4 20:01 434 63.2 63 137
PHC.JOEYB 137 163 1 20:01 410 45.9 -26 134
*SAINT.SWE* 124 104 1 20:01 371 54.6 20 113
PHC.BIOHAZARD 109 127 2 20:01 326 46.0 -18 103
*VOBB.SWE* 95 108 0 20:01 284 46.1 -13 91
PHC.ROKKS 93 168 0 20:01 278 36.1 -75 89
PHC.LIL*BUDMAN 89 141 1 20:01 266 39.7 -52 82
PHC.BUDMAN 43 59 1 07:06 363 43.8 -16 34
:: CW Sumary ::
Name Kll Dth Su TIME FPH Eff K-D PTS
---------------------------------------- ----- ------ ------
*TORZELAN.SWE* 272 154 2 38:01 429 63.0 118 264
*HARD.SWE* 273 151 5 38:01 430 64.4 122 254
*ZENUS.SWE* 236 135 4 38:01 372 63.2 101 224
PHC.JOEYB 204 232 1 38:01 321 46.3 -28 197
*SAINT.SWE* 180 153 1 38:02 283 54.4 27 163
PHC.BIOHAZARD 160 195 2 37:57 252 44.6 -35 148
*VOBB.SWE* 159 153 0 38:01 250 50.9 6 147
PHC.ROKKS 136 249 0 38:01 214 35.7 -113 130
PHC.LIL*BUDMAN 129 225 1 37:59 203 37.3 -96 118
PHC.DOCTOR 39 86 0 16:33 141 31.2 -47 35
PHC.BUDMAN 43 59 1 07:06 363 43.8 -16 34
:: Scorers ::
Name Frags Deaths Eff Kll-Dth Score
-------------- ------ ------ ------ ------- ------
*TORZELAN.SWE* 429.3 243.1 63.0 186.2 416.7
*HARD.SWE* 430.9 238.3 64.4 192.5 400.9
*ZENUS.SWE* 372.5 213.1 63.2 159.4 353.5
PHC.JOEYB 322.0 366.2 46.3 -44.2 310.9
PHC.BUDMAN 363.4 498.6 43.8 -135.2 287.3
*SAINT.SWE* 284.0 241.4 54.4 42.6 257.1
PHC.BIOHAZARD 253.0 308.3 44.6 -55.3 234.0
*VOBB.SWE* 250.9 241.5 50.9 9.5 232.0
PHC.ROKKS 214.6 393.0 35.7 -178.3 205.2
PHC.LIL*BUDMAN 203.8 355.4 37.3 -151.6 186.4
PHC.DOCTOR 141.4 311.8 31.2 -170.4 126.9
:: Kill - Death ::
Name Frags Deaths Score Eff Kll-Dth
-------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ -------
*HARD.SWE* 430.9 238.3 400.9 64.4 192.5
*TORZELAN.SWE* 429.3 243.1 416.7 63.0 186.2
*ZENUS.SWE* 372.5 213.1 353.5 63.2 159.4
*SAINT.SWE* 284.0 241.4 257.1 54.4 42.6
*VOBB.SWE* 250.9 241.5 232.0 50.9 9.5
PHC.JOEYB 322.0 366.2 310.9 46.3 -44.2
PHC.BIOHAZARD 253.0 308.3 234.0 44.6 -55.3
PHC.BUDMAN 363.4 498.6 287.3 43.8 -135.2
PHC.LIL*BUDMAN 203.8 355.4 186.4 37.3 -151.6
PHC.DOCTOR 141.4 311.8 126.9 31.2 -170.4
PHC.ROKKS 214.6 393.0 205.2 35.7 -178.3
:: Efficiency ::
Name Frags Deaths Score Kll-Dth Eff
-------------- ------ ------ ------ ------- ------
*HARD.SWE* 430.9 238.3 400.9 192.5 64.4
*ZENUS.SWE* 372.5 213.1 353.5 159.4 63.2
*TORZELAN.SWE* 429.3 243.1 416.7 186.2 63.0
*SAINT.SWE* 284.0 241.4 257.1 42.6 54.4
*VOBB.SWE* 250.9 241.5 232.0 9.5 50.9
PHC.JOEYB 322.0 366.2 310.9 -44.2 46.3
PHC.BIOHAZARD 253.0 308.3 234.0 -55.3 44.6
PHC.BUDMAN 363.4 498.6 287.3 -135.2 43.8
PHC.LIL*BUDMAN 203.8 355.4 186.4 -151.6 37.3
PHC.ROKKS 214.6 393.0 205.2 -178.3 35.7
PHC.DOCTOR 141.4 311.8 126.9 -170.4 31.2
:: Killers ::
Name Deaths Score Eff Kll-Dth Frags
-------------- ------ ------ ------ ------- ------
*HARD.SWE* 238.3 400.9 64.4 192.5 430.9
*TORZELAN.SWE* 243.1 416.7 63.0 186.2 429.3
*ZENUS.SWE* 213.1 353.5 63.2 159.4 372.5
PHC.BUDMAN 498.6 287.3 43.8 -135.2 363.4
PHC.JOEYB 366.2 310.9 46.3 -44.2 322.0
*SAINT.SWE* 241.4 257.1 54.4 42.6 284.0
PHC.BIOHAZARD 308.3 234.0 44.6 -55.3 253.0
*VOBB.SWE* 241.5 232.0 50.9 9.5 250.9
PHC.ROKKS 393.0 205.2 35.7 -178.3 214.6
PHC.LIL*BUDMAN 355.4 186.4 37.3 -151.6 203.8
PHC.DOCTOR 311.8 126.9 31.2 -170.4 141.4
gg both!
btw ratz that doesnt count look pings
@ skulli look at time played ... by Swe game and by lemon game
swe played 20 min dunno why but ....
greets larry
@ skulli look at time played ... by Swe game and by lemon game
swe played 20 min dunno why but ....
I assume there were some timeouts involved