L5 :: SWE 2:0 2!S/12.11.2006/RANKED
GG! Nice one Hard
gg swe and 2!S
gg to both
ps : why always those weirds demo's names torzelan ?
Really damn nice SWE °-° I think some records were broken here, heh. Let's see if some juicy citrons or obsessed killers can stop the swedish rampage ;d
gg swe
instead of whining I just played crap \
i didnt know a swe member could play crap but ok ^^
WoW! gg 2!S! nice SWE! quake 3 monsters!
Wow, gg SWE Damn nice stats you had.
2!s mabye better luck next time
:: Q3DM16 ::
Name Kll Dth Su TIME FPH Eff K-D PTS
---------------------------------------- ----- ------ ------
*HARD.SWE* 146 46 4 15:30 565 75.9 100 138
*ZENUS.SWE* 123 46 2 15:31 475 75.7 77 117
*TORZELAN.SWE* 120 52 2 14:55 482 70.8 68 114
*VOBB.SWE* 98 59 4 15:31 378 61.7 39 92
2!S*FL4[]E 62 137 3 15:30 240 30.1 -75 57
2!S*ASURAN 57 119 5 15:28 221 31.5 -62 50
2!S*BoB! 47 125 6 15:28 182 27.4 -78 41
2!S*SERLANT 32 101 8 15:26 124 23.2 -69 24
:: Q3DM19 ::
Name Kll Dth Su TIME FPH Eff K-D PTS
---------------------------------------- ----- ------ ------
*HARD.SWE* 200 41 6 15:31 773 82.7 159 186
*TORZELAN.SWE* 152 64 1 15:31 587 69.0 88 147
*ZENUS.SWE* 126 56 2 15:31 487 70.8 70 122
*VOBB.SWE* 94 44 5 15:31 363 67.3 50 89
2!S*ASURAN 70 135 5 15:31 270 34.8 -65 57
2!S*FL4[]E 57 171 0 15:31 220 25.6 -114 55
2!S*BoB! 47 120 4 15:31 181 25.9 -73 39
2!S*Tanne! 33 148 5 15:07 130 19.2 -115 24
:: CW Sumary ::
Name Kll Dth Su TIME FPH Eff K-D PTS
---------------------------------------- ----- ------ ------
*HARD.SWE* 346 87 10 31:01 669 79.7 259 324
*TORZELAN.SWE* 272 116 3 30:26 536 69.8 156 261
*ZENUS.SWE* 249 102 4 31:02 481 73.1 147 239
*VOBB.SWE* 192 103 9 31:02 371 64.3 89 181
2!S*FL4[]E 119 308 3 31:01 230 27.6 -189 112
2!S*ASURAN 127 254 10 30:59 245 33.3 -127 107
2!S*BoB! 94 245 10 30:59 182 26.7 -151 80
2!S*SERLANT 32 101 8 15:26 124 23.2 -69 24
2!S*Tanne! 33 148 5 15:07 130 19.2 -115 24
:: CW Summary per hour ::
:: Scorers ::
Name Frags Deaths Eff Kll-Dth Score
-------------- ------ ------ ------ ------- ------
*HARD.SWE* 669.3 168.3 79.7 501.0 626.8
*TORZELAN.SWE* 536.3 228.7 69.8 307.6 514.6
*ZENUS.SWE* 481.4 197.2 73.1 284.2 462.1
*VOBB.SWE* 371.2 199.1 64.3 172.1 349.9
2!S*FL4[]E 230.2 595.8 27.6 -365.6 216.7
2!S*ASURAN 245.9 491.9 33.3 -245.9 207.2
2!S*BoB! 182.0 474.4 26.7 -292.4 154.9
2!S*Tanne! 131.0 587.4 19.2 -456.4 95.3
2!S*SERLANT 124.4 392.7 23.2 -268.3 93.3
:: Kill - Death ::
Name Frags Deaths Score Eff Kll-Dth
-------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ -------
*HARD.SWE* 669.3 168.3 626.8 79.7 501.0
*TORZELAN.SWE* 536.3 228.7 514.6 69.8 307.6
*ZENUS.SWE* 481.4 197.2 462.1 73.1 284.2
*VOBB.SWE* 371.2 199.1 349.9 64.3 172.1
2!S*ASURAN 245.9 491.9 207.2 33.3 -245.9
2!S*SERLANT 124.4 392.7 93.3 23.2 -268.3
2!S*BoB! 182.0 474.4 154.9 26.7 -292.4
2!S*FL4[]E 230.2 595.8 216.7 27.6 -365.6
2!S*Tanne! 131.0 587.4 95.3 19.2 -456.4
:: Efficiency ::
Name Frags Deaths Score Kll-Dth Eff
-------------- ------ ------ ------ ------- ------
*HARD.SWE* 669.3 168.3 626.8 501.0 79.7
*ZENUS.SWE* 481.4 197.2 462.1 284.2 73.1
*TORZELAN.SWE* 536.3 228.7 514.6 307.6 69.8
*VOBB.SWE* 371.2 199.1 349.9 172.1 64.3
2!S*ASURAN 245.9 491.9 207.2 -245.9 33.3
2!S*FL4[]E 230.2 595.8 216.7 -365.6 27.6
2!S*BoB! 182.0 474.4 154.9 -292.4 26.7
2!S*SERLANT 124.4 392.7 93.3 -268.3 23.2
2!S*Tanne! 131.0 587.4 95.3 -456.4 19.2
:: Killers ::
Name Deaths Score Eff Kll-Dth Frags
-------------- ------ ------ ------ ------- ------
*HARD.SWE* 168.3 626.8 79.7 501.0 669.3
*TORZELAN.SWE* 228.7 514.6 69.8 307.6 536.3
*ZENUS.SWE* 197.2 462.1 73.1 284.2 481.4
*VOBB.SWE* 199.1 349.9 64.3 172.1 371.2
2!S*ASURAN 491.9 207.2 33.3 -245.9 245.9
2!S*FL4[]E 595.8 216.7 27.6 -365.6 230.2
2!S*BoB! 474.4 154.9 26.7 -292.4 182.0
2!S*Tanne! 587.4 95.3 19.2 -456.4 131.0
2!S*SERLANT 392.7 93.3 23.2 -268.3 124.4
I always do it all manually... And this time I didn't have time to name it because suddenly without asking the game just started without me which you can see on time on first screen Got annoyed and instead of whining I just played crap \
Maybe not "crap" but not normal anyway... Moodplayer