L7 :: Lemon 2:0 DS/26.11.2006/RANKED
Relax dudes...important match but it's just a game. Sleep on it and start the drama/flame tommorow.
Facts from cw:
- first DS called timeout right after we started dm17,maybe after 40 frags or sometn
- then they called 2nd timeout also 20-30 frags after the 1st timeout ended
- they wanted to change server and play their map on a polish league server [lol] when we clearly agreed before the cw on which server we will play on
-lemon first refused to change server and go to polish server out of principle,if we agreed server where we will play we have nothing to change,u could have tested the server for days before we set final agreement
- lemon after all decided to show good sportsmanship because DS whined the whole time...we left to polish server and saw that our pings were arround 150 and DS's ping on our server was 60-100.
- we refused to play there,DS continued whining [mostly extreme and punisher,cause beelieve it or not there are nice ppl in DS,congratz to exceptions]
- DS is forgetting that 2 of our players also had pings 80-100 [linus and bert] mine was variating from 50-100 and larry had major ping problems,sometimes 300.
u know it , asschole :!:
Thank you very much on your warm words Extreme. You dont put any facts because you havent any.
No regards for you
extreme man you always seem like an ok guy which I’m sure you are, don’t let the heat of the moment steal your tongue. DS are a fantastic team as are LEM the score look close it just didn’t happen for you tonight.
I know it can be frustrating if you have lag but unless we can all play on lan its always going to be an issue. its part of the deal.
Like someone said sleep on it man.....
Wow. Got adrenaline?
I think y'all need a chill pill. I won't hint at who is right or not, none of my business, but two things:
1. Ex, there is no reason for you to leave Q3. C'mon now.
2. Why are you blaming Rena? It's all the evil citrons fault.
Troche luzu, ziom.
for me it's not so close match, 100 frags difference on each map, and pings doesn't look unfair, lemon was just better.
gg lemon, gg ds !
In whole that mess with servers I lost demo from first map q3dm17 I am very sad about that because that demo was wonderfull I try to do my best, but unfortunately I dont have them :!:
Thanks to LEM*KM I have Lemon only POV of dm17 but only part of it... CPM14 is full demo. Unfortunately KM not take demo of DM17 till end and I dont have stats from dm17 If somebody from DS or lemon have anything from DM17, demo log please send to me. Here is only statistics from CPM14
-EDIT- Thank you Atwa for demo from DM17 Now we have full statistics.
:: Q3DM17 ::
Name Kll Dth Su TIME FPH Eff K-D PTS
---------------------------------------- ----- ------ ------
LEM*CRAT 148 104 2 19:31 454 58.2 44 134
LEM*BERT 133 102 0 19:31 408 57.0 31 129
PUUNISHER * DSS 126 117 2 19:31 387 51.3 9 122
LEM*RATZ 125 123 1 19:31 384 51.2 2 118
LEM*LARRY 128 108 5 19:31 393 53.7 20 117
LEM*LINUS 127 106 5 19:31 390 55.0 21 116
MOORPHEUS * DSS 112 139 0 19:31 344 44.1 -27 110
KIICEK * DSS 114 154 0 19:31 350 42.7 -40 110
EXXTREME * DSS 94 116 1 19:31 288 44.6 -22 85
TUURAS * DSS 93 131 2 19:31 285 42.0 -38 81
:: CPM14 ::
Name Kll Dth Su TIME FPH Eff K-D PTS
---------------------------------------- ----- ------ ------
LEM*CRAT 77 70 0 15:31 297 52.9 7 73
LEM*RATZ 70 50 0 15:31 270 58.0 20 66
LEM*LINUS 66 45 0 15:31 255 58.6 21 64
LEM*LARRY 65 42 0 15:31 251 58.3 23 63
LEM*BERT 68 46 0 15:31 262 58.7 22 62
MOORPHEUS * DSS 63 82 0 15:31 243 44.9 -19 61
EXXTREME * DSS 51 62 0 15:31 197 45.4 -11 51
ANNCIENT * DSS 52 66 0 15:31 201 43.0 -14 48
TUURAS * DSS 48 61 0 15:31 185 45.8 -13 42
SMMOKER * DSS 33 59 0 11:55 166 37.5 -26 27
:: CW Sumary ::
Name Kll Dth Su TIME FPH Eff K-D PTS
---------------------------------------- ----- ------ ------
LEM*CRAT 225 174 2 35:02 385 56.2 51 207
LEM*BERT 201 148 0 35:02 344 57.6 53 191
LEM*RATZ 195 173 1 35:02 333 53.3 22 184
LEM*LARRY 193 150 5 35:02 330 55.1 43 180
LEM*LINUS 193 151 5 35:02 330 56.2 42 180
MOORPHEUS * DSS 175 221 0 35:02 299 44.4 -46 171
EXXTREME * DSS 145 178 1 35:02 248 44.9 -33 136
TUURAS * DSS 141 192 2 35:02 241 43.2 -51 123
PUUNISHER * DSS 126 117 2 19:31 387 51.3 9 122
KIICEK * DSS 114 154 0 19:31 350 42.7 -40 110
ANNCIENT * DSS 52 66 0 15:31 201 43.0 -14 48
SMMOKER * DSS 33 59 0 11:55 166 37.5 -26 27
:: CW Summary per hour ::
:: Scorers ::
Name Frags Deaths Eff Kll-Dth Score
-------------- ------ ------ ------ ------- ------
PUUNISHER * DS 387.4 359.7 51.3 27.7 375.1
LEM*CRAT 385.3 298.0 56.2 87.3 354.5
KIICEK * DSS 350.5 473.4 42.7 -123.0 338.2
LEM*BERT 344.2 253.5 57.6 90.8 327.1
LEM*RATZ 334.0 296.3 53.3 37.7 315.1
LEM*LARRY 330.5 256.9 55.1 73.6 308.3
LEM*LINUS 330.5 258.6 56.2 71.9 308.3
MOORPHEUS * DS 299.7 378.5 44.4 -78.8 292.9
EXXTREME * DSS 248.3 304.9 44.9 -56.5 232.9
TUURAS * DSS 241.5 328.8 43.2 -87.3 210.7
ANNCIENT * DSS 201.1 255.2 43.0 -54.1 185.6
SMMOKER * DSS 166.2 297.1 37.5 -130.9 135.9
:: Kill - Death ::
Name Frags Deaths Score Eff Kll-Dth
-------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ -------
LEM*BERT 344.2 253.5 327.1 57.6 90.8
LEM*CRAT 385.3 298.0 354.5 56.2 87.3
LEM*LARRY 330.5 256.9 308.3 55.1 73.6
LEM*LINUS 330.5 258.6 308.3 56.2 71.9
LEM*RATZ 334.0 296.3 315.1 53.3 37.7
PUUNISHER * DS 387.4 359.7 375.1 51.3 27.7
ANNCIENT * DSS 201.1 255.2 185.6 43.0 -54.1
EXXTREME * DSS 248.3 304.9 232.9 44.9 -56.5
MOORPHEUS * DS 299.7 378.5 292.9 44.4 -78.8
TUURAS * DSS 241.5 328.8 210.7 43.2 -87.3
KIICEK * DSS 350.5 473.4 338.2 42.7 -123.0
SMMOKER * DSS 166.2 297.1 135.9 37.5 -130.9
:: Efficiency ::
Name Frags Deaths Score Kll-Dth Eff
-------------- ------ ------ ------ ------- ------
LEM*BERT 344.2 253.5 327.1 90.8 57.6
LEM*CRAT 385.3 298.0 354.5 87.3 56.2
LEM*LINUS 330.5 258.6 308.3 71.9 56.2
LEM*LARRY 330.5 256.9 308.3 73.6 55.1
LEM*RATZ 334.0 296.3 315.1 37.7 53.3
PUUNISHER * DS 387.4 359.7 375.1 27.7 51.3
EXXTREME * DSS 248.3 304.9 232.9 -56.5 44.9
MOORPHEUS * DS 299.7 378.5 292.9 -78.8 44.4
TUURAS * DSS 241.5 328.8 210.7 -87.3 43.2
ANNCIENT * DSS 201.1 255.2 185.6 -54.1 43.0
KIICEK * DSS 350.5 473.4 338.2 -123.0 42.7
SMMOKER * DSS 166.2 297.1 135.9 -130.9 37.5
:: Killers ::
Name Deaths Score Eff Kll-Dth Frags
-------------- ------ ------ ------ ------- ------
PUUNISHER * DS 359.7 375.1 51.3 27.7 387.4
LEM*CRAT 298.0 354.5 56.2 87.3 385.3
KIICEK * DSS 473.4 338.2 42.7 -123.0 350.5
LEM*BERT 253.5 327.1 57.6 90.8 344.2
LEM*RATZ 296.3 315.1 53.3 37.7 334.0
LEM*LARRY 256.9 308.3 55.1 73.6 330.5
LEM*LINUS 258.6 308.3 56.2 71.9 330.5
MOORPHEUS * DS 378.5 292.9 44.4 -78.8 299.7
EXXTREME * DSS 304.9 232.9 44.9 -56.5 248.3
TUURAS * DSS 328.8 210.7 43.2 -87.3 241.5
ANNCIENT * DSS 255.2 185.6 43.0 -54.1 201.1
SMMOKER * DSS 297.1 135.9 37.5 -130.9 166.2
BTW I cannot make attachments, seems that E+ site will be soon out of disk space....
I think its best we all send u our screens from dm17 [via msn,not spaming here] so u can make stats for that map. And yes its a pitty,dm17 was full of wonderful shots,but in the very beginning before those 2 timeouts.Km started recording after that unfortunately.
lol why you go to bed an dont want to miss anything?
anyway gg
ill need to see some demo's of lemon in action.
maybe i could lern a thing or 2